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About this mod

Re-adds the threat of the random encounters to the Mojave Wastelands at random encounter locations. Extremely customizable.

Permissions and credits
= Darkfirebird's Random Encounters Mod =

== Overview ==

Re-adds the threat of the random encounters to the Mojave Wastelands at random encounter locations.

== Features ==

Independant spawn system not affect by mods.
Enable spawns for Enclave. ( If wanted. Disabled by default on new files. )
Revamped version of my Enclave Vertibird Encounters mod.
Across the wastelands are randomly placed encounter areas where you could meet Enclave members, Raiders, Mercs, Robots, Super Mutants and more!
In-Game settings allow you to customize which encounters happen and at what level, Cooldown timers between encounters, and the chances they will spawn at a given location!
Anti-Lag ( Or so it should be. ) script to make sure it doesn't lag even low end PCs.
Now uses MCMs Menu Addon for easier customizing.* ( If MCM is installed )

== (Not-So) Requirements ==
MCM ( Mod Configuration Menu ):
NVSE ( New Vegas Script Extender ):

== Other Notes ==

This mod has a Master File setup allowing easier use for other modders to add to this mod.
The activator ( DFBGenericEncAct ) If used, needs to be set to Persistant Reference to work properly. This handles the randomized encounters etc.
Enclave Encounters : Yes I know, the Vertibird does sometimes clip through everything.

== Difficulty Setup ==

This mod contains a Difficulty slider that is independant of New Vegas difficulty. These integers do the following:
Difficulty: Info
1-Very Easy: Damage Resistance -20% / Poison Resistance -40%. All 'major' stats -2.
2-Easy: Damage Resistance -15% / Poison Resistance -20%. All 'major' stats -1.
3-Normal: No changes. ( Default )
4-Hard: Damage Resistance +15% /Poison Resistance +20%. DT +3. All 'major' stats +1. Health +125. Crit Chance +10. Melee/Unarmed damage +5.
5-Very Hard: Damage Resistance +20% /Poison Resistance +40%. DT +6. All 'major' stats +2. Health +200. Crit Chance +15. Melee/Unarmed damage +10.
6-Insane: Damage Resistance +35%/Poison Resistance +65%. DT +10. All 'major' stats +5. Health +325. Crit Chance +30. All weapon skills +50. Melee/Unarmed damage +30.

*NOTE: These effects are DYNAMIC. They will change ON THE SPOT. Even already spawned NPCs. ( After this one was installed. )

== Installation Notes ==

Place into your [ Fallout / Data / ] folder and activate it in the launcher.

== Uninstallation Notes ==

Deactivate the master or delete. This has no negative affects on saves. All items gained are already part of Fallout: New Vegas

== Version History ==
=Version 4.1=
-Updated MCM Scripts: Random Encounters now have Sub-Menus.
-Merged Updates.

=Version 4.0b=
-Updates some scripts for those experiencing NPCs or Creatures not properly removing themselves.

=Version 4.0a=
-Fixes Jackal Level Mults being improper.

=Version 4.0=
-Updated scripts and added MarkForDeletes by request.
-Updated Nightkin Scripts updated.