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Version 4.1a
Added update for MCM 1.5
Version 4.1
Updated MCM Scripts: Random Encounters now have Sub-Menus
Merged Updates
Version 4.0b
Updates some scripts for those experiencing NPCs or Creatures not properly removing themselves.
Comes with 4.0a fixes also.
Version 4.0a
Fixes Jackal Level Mults. Works with Merged and Unmerged versions of 4.0.
Version 4.0
Updated scripts and added MarkForDeletes by request.
Updated Nightkin Scripts updated.
Version 3.6
Should no longer 'conflict' with PNs internal version of MCM.
Version 3.5
Revised some AI Data to be sure they were hostile to nearby 'targets'.
Removed Goodspring Spawners. ( Caused issues for many users. They were for testing but I forgot to remove them. )
Removed Sharecropper Spawners. ( Cause issues with a quest. )
Version 3.4
Fixes Nightkin / Super Mutants Vs Mercs.
Fixes a bug with the dual faction spawner being allowed to permaloop if users had very few encounters set.
Fixes improper Variable Name for Bosses. ( Removed anyways. )
Changes Eyebot Script to kill and disable instead of perm removal.
Removes Default Stats Script setup. No longer needed.
Removes some old debug things.
Version 3.3
Default Stats ( Both normal and bosses ) set to DoOnce to make sure it does not repeat itself randomly.
Boss Encounters Module now obeys player settings.
Version 3.2
Updated all Difficulty Modes to be less harsh on higher settings.
pdates default stats for normal and boss spawns to be less as it stacks with Difficulty. ( No longer Enclave Boss encounters having 110% Damage Resistances etc. )
Updates Hard, Very Hard, and Insane Modes Crit Chances increased and/or added.
Updates Nightkin and Robot default abilities. ( Before it was generic or not used. )
Added Enclave Eyebot to use Difficulty Modes.
Version 3.1
Updated scripts to be better randomly picked instead of 'going up' in the list.
Updated Enclave / Nightkin / Super Mutant / Brotherhood of Steel Factions (For the Random Encounters) for those who have mods who edit them.
Updates normal Robot Encounters - Robobrains to be their proper size. Boss version still large.
Updates Difficulty Mode selection to use a list. Now shows as names instead of a scale.
Overhauled some small fragments of my scripts. It seems the int I used for the trigger was tooo much.
Overhauled all encounters to be able to Dual Spawn 2 factions.
Adds new menu for Optional Plugins. Currently: Enable Enclave Eyebots ( Default On )
Optionals: Dead Money, Old World Blues, and Honest Hearts now use Difficulty Modes.
Version 3.0
Updated scripts to be less laggy when users have very few encounters enabled.
Updates the Vertibird health to be much higher. ( Originally 600, new value 5250. )
Updates Enclave base DT to 14, from 6.
Updates Eyebot Death Script. It now 'calls out' last known coords over time instead of on death. Also slightly higher trigger distance.
Added a new menu option: Difficulty Level - Allows users to change the ENCOUNTER ONLY SPAWN difficulty.
Added multiple settings to each mode. Very Easy ( Mode 1 ) = Very low resistances and stats up to Insane ( Mode 6 ): Massive stat increases and resistances.
Added a small default DT to robots. ( About 5, stacks with other modifications like DIfiiculty. )
Fixes the invisible name bug on creatures, again. ( Did not stick from last update. )
Fixes Jackals having Enclave DT Stats.
Fixes all boss encounter additional loot not dropping properly for NPCs.
Adds new abilities to all encounters that adjusts them to the selected mode.
Version 2.8
Updated scripts to have a slightly better 'trigger' distance and also larger distance trigger.
Updated some of the Enclave Level Mults to be more along the players level. Should fix the godly enclave officers. :)
Added over 50 more spawn locations.
Version 2.7
Optional Plugin - Honest Hearts - Fixed to spawn NPC properly. ( Used Enclave for some reason. )
Added some additional locations for spawners.
Updated Chances to be default to 35%, Cooldown to 600 seconds ( 10 Minutes ), and Cooldown Timer can be moved from 180 to 3000. ( Up from 300 to 2700 )
Updated Eyebot script and model to use original model. ( As intended. )
All Hotfixes are no longer needed.
Version 2.6
Fixes unnamed Creatures. ( Was my fault to begin with. )
Updated scripts so NPCs just don't 'pop' in.
Updated Robots and Nightkin stats to be proper and more unique from each other. ( Though not greatly. )
Optional Plugin: DFB - Random Encounters - Dead Money Additions : Adds Ghosts to the current spawners. +Copies and updates the Ghost Script to a Customized script ( For the Encounter Spawn Types ) to work properly.
Optional Plugin: DFB - Random Encounters - Old World Blues Additions : Adds Lobomites and Cyber-Dogs to the Current Spawners. +Also adds random encounters of them in their DLC area.
Optional Plugin: DFB - Random Encounters - Honest Hearts Additions : Adds Whiteleg to current spawners. +Also adds random encounters of them in their DLC area.
Other small changes.
Version 2.5
Added Nightkin, Robots, Super Mutant encounters.
Added Boss Encounters.
Added Console Command List File.
Updated Menu Files to support the ever growing list.
Updated some scripts that weren't fully working. ( They worked but wanted to fix them up better. )
Updated stats on some NPCs.
Version 2.4
Updated Brotherhood of Steel. No longer should reduce karma. No longer uses reputation setup.
Updated scripts overall. Uses multiple activators to reduce some lag that happens, usually on slower computers.
Updated Controller Quest Scripts for easier updates.
Uses more better scripts that is easier to adjust for newer additions.
Added DLC Support. Automatically detects which you have on and if you disabled it at all.
Fixed Enclave Eyebot not checking if the user has Enclave disabled as an encounter.
Fixes infinite loop bug that may happen. ( This bugged the entire thing if the chance did not get reached properly. )
Option Plugin : [ DFB - Random Encounters - Enclave Armor Drop Chance Only.esp ] - Disables PA Drops on killing Enclave. Makes it a low chance drop item.
Version 2.3
Added Fiends to encounter list.
Added Jackals to encounter list.
Updated scripts to use the new encounters.
Updated Menu to use the new encounters.
Updated Menu to work properly with Project Nevada and the likes.
Version 2.2
Redone the core script.
Redone the Enclave Eyebot Script to be much better.
Removed not needed scripts portions.
Version 2.1
Added MCM Support with NVSE
Requires NVSE for the menu to work
Version 2.0
Changed from Vertibird Encounters to Random Encounters.
Supports more encounters.
Adds more globals to customize the player experience.
Adds Enclave Eyebots that on death call for a Vertibird. ( Not affected by any globals. )
All armors are lootable on kill.
Brotherhood of Steel is Friendly to player, Hostile to NCR. ( Originally hostile to players. )
All NPCs scale properly for the encounters.
Enclave Eyebots Patrol the Mojave and call their Enclave Members when killed
Version 1.1a
Added the ability to loot the armor ON THE NPC instead of random loot. ( Optionals )
Version 1.1
Added Remnant Power Armors / Remnant Tesla Power Armor NPC Types
Added Remnant Power Armors / Remnant Tesla Power Armor Drops
Added new global setting to change the max amount to spawn.
Added new optional plugins to adjust spawns through plugins. ( Editable In-Game also. )
================================================================= = Darkfirebird's Random Encounters Mod = =================================================================
== Overview ==
Re-adds the threat of the random encounters to the Mojave Wastelands at random encounter locations.
== Features ==
Independant spawn system not affect by mods. Enable spawns for Enclave. ( If wanted. Disabled by default on new files. ) Revamped version of my Enclave Vertibird Encounters mod. Across the wastelands are randomly placed encounter areas where you could meet Enclave members, Raiders, Mercs, Robots, Super Mutants and more! In-Game settings allow you to customize which encounters happen and at what level, Cooldown timers between encounters, and the chances they will spawn at a given location! Anti-Lag ( Or so it should be. ) script to make sure it doesn't lag even low end PCs. Now uses MCMs Menu Addon for easier customizing.* ( If MCM is installed )
== (Not-So) Requirements == *THIS IS ONLY IF YOU WISH TO USE THE IN-GAME MENU. MCM ( Mod Configuration Menu ): http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42507 NVSE ( New Vegas Script Extender ): http://nvse.silverlock.org/
== Other Notes ==
This mod has a Master File setup allowing easier use for other modders to add to this mod. The activator ( DFBGenericEncAct ) If used, needs to be set to Persistant Reference to work properly. This handles the randomized encounters etc. Enclave Encounters : Yes I know, the Vertibird does sometimes clip through everything.
== Difficulty Setup ==
This mod contains a Difficulty slider that is independant of New Vegas difficulty. These integers do the following: Difficulty: Info 1-Very Easy: Damage Resistance -20% / Poison Resistance -40%. All 'major' stats -2. 2-Easy: Damage Resistance -15% / Poison Resistance -20%. All 'major' stats -1. 3-Normal: No changes. ( Default ) 4-Hard: Damage Resistance +15% /Poison Resistance +20%. DT +3. All 'major' stats +1. Health +125. Crit Chance +10. Melee/Unarmed damage +5. 5-Very Hard: Damage Resistance +20% /Poison Resistance +40%. DT +6. All 'major' stats +2. Health +200. Crit Chance +15. Melee/Unarmed damage +10. 6-Insane: Damage Resistance +35%/Poison Resistance +65%. DT +10. All 'major' stats +5. Health +325. Crit Chance +30. All weapon skills +50. Melee/Unarmed damage +30.
*NOTE: These effects are DYNAMIC. They will change ON THE SPOT. Even already spawned NPCs. ( After this one was installed. )
== Installation Notes ==
Place into your [ Fallout / Data / ] folder and activate it in the launcher.
== Uninstallation Notes ==
Deactivate the master or delete. This has no negative affects on saves. All items gained are already part of Fallout: New Vegas
== Version History == =Version 4.1= -Updated MCM Scripts: Random Encounters now have Sub-Menus. -Merged Updates.
=Version 4.0b= -Updates some scripts for those experiencing NPCs or Creatures not properly removing themselves.
=Version 4.0a= -Fixes Jackal Level Mults being improper.
=Version 4.0= -Updated scripts and added MarkForDeletes by request. -Updated Nightkin Scripts updated.