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- MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
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Mental GearUploaded by
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About this mod
Hires textures and normal maps for more than 200 items.
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
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This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Credits to Bethesda and Obsidian for creating such wonderful game and modding content.
Credits to Nexus for providing such a brilliant site, modding platform and service.
Credits to all the photographers and sites for textures, especially cg-textures.com.
Credits to Moraelin for his Machete and Skykappa for the normal map of the sodabottle.Donation Points system
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- Donations
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Update 7.0
Do you use highres textures but always missed better textures for all the countless clutter items with mushy surfaces that are not covered by any other texture pack? Thinking of eyesore like the glasspitcher, flour pack, pillow, reloading bench, crates, the list goes on and on... Then this is for you. Check out the image section to get a first impression but remember these are only low-quality jpgs. Resolution of textures is mainly 2048x2048 or 1024x1024. Some smaller items use 512x512 to keep performance impact to a minimum. Pack contains textures and normal maps for more than 200 objects.
Hope you enjoy the eyecandy, happy hunting
Mental Gear
Fallout 3 version: MGs Neat Clutter

Use FOMM Package Manager, click 'AddFOMod' to add the .7z-file or
use FOMM Package Manager ;)
Thank you and Kudos to Moraelin for allowing me to improve his Machete a little bit.
Original mod: Mod link
3d model and blade texture made by Moraelin.
New handle texture and added normal maps by me.
You can find the improved version under optional files.
For those who do not want to overwrite files from Ojo Bueno or Poco Bueno packs there is an 'Ojo friendly' version in the files section. This version has 4 items removed - first aid kit, 1 fence variant, Tenpenny rugs, woodcart.

My game suffered from stuttering and slowdowns in open Wasteland areas, until I tried NewVegasStutterRemover.
After successfully testing it for 2 weeks without any problem whatsoever I recommend using it:
This mod also grants quite large performance gains:
Performance of the Gods
If you want to spruce up the alcoholic beverages I recommend (works in NV without changes):
If you use a lot of higher resolution textures and a 64bit OS use the 4GB patcher
or NVSE version

New items in version 7.0
Chess board
Broken glass
Military crate LR
Rangerbuildings HH
Tents, campfire HH
Hides various HH
Rangersubstation HH
Itemlist V1.0 to V6.0:
Bed DM
Brick wall DM
Cobble stones DM
Dresser DM
Deskartdeco DM
Garbage can DM
Lobby wood DM
Metal counter 1 and 2 DM
Reception desk DM
Sierra Madre Chip DM
Stair tile DM
Vendingartdeco DM
Waste basket DM
Books generic
Soda bottle (empty, Nuka Cola, Quantum, Quartz, Victory)
Suburban couch (dirty variation)
Wood details
Classic hotel lamp(same as hotel lamp)
Reloading bench rework
Wood cart rework
BigMt metall box OWB
Crashed satellite OWB
Electric box OWB
Kennel cage OWB
Trophy OWB
Wall safe OWB
Suburban couch and variation
Aircraft service cart
Ruined books
Mutagen tank
Molten steel
Hanging lamp Lucky38
Slave collar
smoother normal maps for previously released files(ventbox, flatware, butterknife, first aid kit and more)
Meterbox rework
Papers 3 variations
Assorted papers 1/2
Scrap electronics
Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle, lamp
Wooden shelves
Naval table
Urinal rework
NV dice
Desk02 rework
NV ceilingfan
Fireextinguisher with 1024x1024 normalmap (before512x512)
some detail corrections on previously released files
Hotel queen bed and its dirty variation
Single bed
Shotgun trap
Pilot light
Purified water bottle
Dirty water bottle
Vault: Bed, bedsidetable, dresser
Cafeteriatray veneer
Naval cot
Gomorrah bed
Gomorrah curtain
Gomorrah pillows 3 variations
Suburban hatstand and dirty variation
Surgicaltray bloody
Surgical equipment - bonesaw, forceps, scalpel, scissors, syringe, tray clean, tweezers and dirty variations
Gurney and gurneypad
Bar dishrag
Framed quote
Hooverdam map
Sportsequipment - baseball, baseball glove, basketball
Tenpenny rugs
Milk carton
SS carton
Classic Wonderglue
Classic Fission battery
NV stagelight
Pardisefalls door
Metaldoor yellow
2 Rugs
Washingmachine rework
Desk nouveau
Hotel queen bed
Vault bed
Books generic
Military crate
Nellis crate
2 wooden doors
Novac Hotel door
Bench wooden(Sarsaparilla exterior)
Grinder workbench(The Fort)
Cafeteriatray, cuttingboard
Drinkingglass, shotglass, cup, glasspitcher
Flatware, spatula
Plate 1, 2, 3
various pots, metal cooking pan
Grill aged
Fences 4 variants
First aid kit
Sugarbomb(original refurbished)
Gomorrahlamp round
Oasis sack
Weapon repairkit
Bobbypinbox, orig. 256x256, new 512x512
Bucket, orig. 256x256, new 1024x1024
Conductor, orig. 128x128, new 512x512
Crutch, included in Cryolator weapon texture orig. 512x512, new 2048x2048
Displaycase, orig. 512x512, new 2048x2048
Fireextinguisher, orig. 256x256, new 1024x1024
Flour, orig 128x128, new 512x512
Foodpackaging(e.g. Bubblegum, Cram, Dandyboy Apples, Potato Crisps, aso; 11 Items) all on one texture, orig. 512x512, resized to 1024x1024
Hammer, orig. 128x256, new 512x1024
Harmonica, orig. 256x128, new 512x256
Laundryitems(Iron, ironing board, box of detergent Washo, orig. 512x512, new 2048x2048
NV Bed, orig. 512x512, new 2048x2048
NV Bedroll, orig. 512x256, resized to 1024x512
Ophthalmoscope, orig. 256x256, new 512x512
Plunger, orig. 256x256, new 512x512
Reloadingbench, orig. 512x512 (second part 512x512), new 2048x2048 (second part 1024x1024)
Shoppingcart, orig. 256x256, new 1024x1024
Wrench, orig. 512x128, resized to 1024x256