Fallout New Vegas

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About this mod

A Library to store all your Prewar books,Skill books,Magazines,15 SPECIAL books,8 21 schematics for paintings/posters (decor) i added across the wasteland. W.I.P

Permissions and credits
Added storage boxes for each category (magazines/skill/prewar/schematics).
This can be opened and you can add/take books and they will be enabled/disabled on the shelves.(except prewar books...you need to add them to the storage and you can access them after but once you activate them they are lost forever even from the storage)
All prewar books are now compatible and also all the destroyed books can be added on shelves.
Changed the textures of all prewar books thanks to ObsidianStag.
Added new shelves mesh for the displayed books to stay on thanks to Falcon8204 Miss Sparkle
Metal display cases not added to the game yet thanks to grffnhwk
All meshes and textures are included in the 1.5 so nothing else is required.
Added 8 paintings,12 posters and 1 special poster (as schematics) for you to find across the wasteland and collect.
Added decor option to the main switch that allows you to store and activate your paintings/posters schematics.
Changed radius of some lights so they will not be so bright now.
All schematics are indoors and they are not hidden so it should be easy to find them if you search in the right cell.
Added one "switch" to rule them all.(Replaced the many switches with one that activates a menu)
Added Skill books display.
Added Magazines display.
Moved the generators further so they make less noise.
Added a switch that will change all your burned/destroyed books into Prewar books.
Changed some textures used by the library rooms to look more like a library...
This will change the ORIGINAL textures from the game.
See images.
Added 15 You're special books across the wasteland that can be collected.
Each book is a quest item,has no weight and gives you 50 caps when picked up.
All books where placed in interior cells on tables/desks..etc
All books are player owned and none of them are behind locked doors or terminals so no karma affect.
Once you get a book just go to the shelves in the G.A.U.S Library and activate the switch to sort them.
Good luck finding all of them.
Tired of seeing so many books lying around?
Want to take them and place them somewhere?
This mod is for you!
It's a Library where you can store all your Prewar books(and more books in the future) and have them on shelves.
This is a Work In Progress so its not done.
You can only put 4 type of books on the shelves at the moment.
I'm planing to make the skill books compatible with the mod as well and some of the other book mods on the newvegasnexus...Have any suggestions?
NOTE:REF Problem
For the help
One switch now that controls all books/lights
Box was removed.
Added Recover Books switch
Made 15 Special books for you to find across the wasteland
And compatibilities with other book mods i will find.
So if you know a nice book mod or if you want to make a small mod and think i should make a compatibility for it just let me know.EVEN ONE BOOK HELPS.
The library has 4 yes four floors but they are not done yet...
The 4th floor has some problems with the roof that i will fix soon in the next (maybe) update but right now there are some other things i need to take care of...
The Main Tower in the library passes trough all four floors and at the base of it is the Main room.
Inside the GoodSprings Schoolhouse (ATM) behind the safe there is a switch that will open a secret wall YES WALL.
Activate it and look around YOU CAN'T MISS IT
There is a second switch inside the room you opened that will open another wall very close to the first one.
Now go back and activate the first switch to close the first wall than go back in the room and now you can pass behind the first wall and go to the G.A.U.S door.

CREDITS:Thank you all very much for your mods.

Display Cases v0.2
by grffnhwk

Slanted Shelves Resource
Miss Sparkle

Better Prewar and Burned Books