I m not the author i obtained permision from the author so please enjoy as he said , all The Credits for this mod go to Quarantine2002 , To obtain the armor go and buy it from the General Store in Goodsprings
"No Female Version"
If the armor isnt there after at the general store after instal wait for the for his inventory to refresh of course
for armor and mask : xx001BF9 , xx001BFB
and for weapons sword and claw : xx003D99 , xx000EA8
replace xx by the mod index number depending on your mods load order, if you use FOMM . it should be easy to get.
oh and it dosnt have a female version if you try to use it a battle armor appear like the bug in the user uploaed images is
Credits : Quarantine2002 for the grate armor he did , Alexscorpion for the original mesh as this is just a retextured version of the alexscrpion sneaking suit
and to Hinigashi for puting in to the world and helping me out thank you for helping me make this port really grate
And me for porting this mod to New Vegas