Some shots are super crits, fresh install with no achievements and unlocked 10k damage achievement after one shotting victor. game crashed shortly after
9 years... guess kid's joined the army, fought in Afghanistan, got married, got divorced, finds the Lord, turns into a monk and is probably in a monastery now. One day he'll get nostalgic, install New Vegas, then look for this mod...
i will never stop love/hating this mod every time i 'randomly' die to a lucky headshot after barely being touched for hours. ( shame on me for wearing a damn cowboy hat i guess ) totally fair. i guess. curse you tho.
Can you add a version where instead of a headshot being an insta-kill, its a head cripple that does it? It would work way better for combat and generally NV gameplay if the same way crippling a creature's legs or wings slowed them down, that crippling the head would kill them outright.
Regular insta-kill headshots trivialize the game too much, even with the hardcore verions. :/
This mod is great but I've found myself getting one shot while wearing full power armor more often than not when using the hardcore module. I'll be sticking to the regular one.
Well I personally like how hard it is when you get 1 hit killed lol but this mod literally makes it possible to 1 tap a securitron with a supressed .22 from infinite range. fun=gone
See you after the heat death of the universe my man.
Whata bout now?
One day he'll get nostalgic, install New Vegas, then look for this mod...
be reasonable, man
how much longer can this go on for?
Install the mod man, it just works
totally fair.
i guess.
curse you tho.
bless you.
It would work way better for combat and generally NV gameplay if the same way crippling a creature's legs or wings slowed them down, that crippling the head would kill them outright.
Regular insta-kill headshots trivialize the game too much, even with the hardcore verions. :/
encounter a supermutant with minigun goin berserk
random headshots from afar
enjoy again