Elis Machete

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Just finished it for "Book of Eli" new race model
Im looking forward to see it in the game


  1. gaubanss
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    0.0......I do believe I have found a new favorite melee weapon. Gonna need to dust off F:NV and get to bringing faith back to the wasteland. Though it would be cool if a renamed Bible was added to the pack called the King James Bible....just me geeking out.
  2. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,249 kudos
    So stoked to get this all implemented
  3. Gam3r87
    • account closed
    • 43 kudos
    Awesome just need the animation when he says Eli: Yeah, are you listening to me, touch me with that hand again and you're not getting it back
  4. Usiel
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooomg that is so pretty. That is so damn pretty. Ugh and I didn't know about Dragbody doing Eli.

    Normally when I play I tend to make Eli most of the damn time lol.