Fallout New Vegas
Feeling Groovy - Vedette's Party Pack

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  1. TragicComic
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Hey hey... cool stuff MM! Brig's cram'd alot of goodies in that pack there for V!!
    I personally don't really like this ENB, I used to be a commercial printer so the 'out of registration' colors are distracting for me, but I know it's used for style... so it's all good!!
    Good to see your crew MM!
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos

    Outstanding images as always, Miss M! And Vedette's new backpack is awesome! Love the way Niner looks so thrilled with Vedette's gift from Brigand, and Ronnie--well--not so much.
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Isn't it? Thanks, FBC!
      Ronnie's usually a good sport, even when Vedette's bragging about whatever - but for the sake of these shots [and Ve's ego] she was a grumpapotamus.
  3. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos

    WOOF! WOOF! Nuka Cola please "D"

    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Yeah, good luck getting her to share.
  4. VxdVxn
    • member
    • 67 kudos
    Niner is such a bad habit. Just be glad Ultra Jet wasn't introduced... Sugar Bombs are pretty scarce as it is.

    Nuka Cola and Whiskey is where it's at!
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Yeah, he is - though she's from New Reno, so it's not like she never heard of Jet before him... But no, no Ultra Jet for her. She's got enough chem problems already, no need to introduce more.
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    Spoiled indeed This looks great. And Ronnie is envious. That is very evident
  6. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 351 kudos
    I absolutely love that grin of hers and how Niner looks on adoringly, almost startstruck.
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Well, Niner knows that they have a "what's your's is mine/what's mine is your's" type rule when it comes to belongings and loot... And there is some pretty nice stuff in that bag.
      Thank you again for it - I know I've said it like a bunch of times already, but it really is awesome and fits her perfectly with all the stuff you packed.
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 351 kudos
      Completely and totally my pleasure; the more it's enjoyed the happier I am to have made it. It felt so very very wrong to be working on so much for Ramona and doing nothing for Vedette so I had to do something about that.

      I also suspect Niner's apparent restraint in reaching for what's in the back pockets might have something to do with their proximity to Mezcal's treat and Niner knows what Mezcal might do if he thought someone was reaching for that. It's a built in state of the art theft deterrent system.
    3. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Ahh, no need to worry about that. I make tons of stuff that she never gets to use.. And a lot of the time I'll make things for her, and then decide the item fits a lot better for Brie or Mona or whoever.

      And I think the animals are both still with Mona at the Crimson Caravan.. I've been leaving them there while I play through the Someguy Series. Too many followers make the combat way too easy.
    4. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 351 kudos
      I'm allowed to worry about things even if it's not needing to be worried about if I want to so there. I wanted to.

      Good point on the animals though, guess Niner's just well-trained by now or has had enough experience to know better by now. Then again, accidentally needing to share the last inhaler together doesn't seem to bother her as much as it used to.
    5. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Pshh, you're pretty stubborn, y'know that? I'm trying to save you the frustration that comes along with Blendering for Vedette.

      "..guess Niner's just well-trained by now.." Yes, Niner has learned to respect the one with the cane. And of course the sharing Jet, like everything else, can be justified as necessary and meaningless. Or so she'd argue.
    6. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 351 kudos
      Yeah I give in easy on a lot of things, but there are a few items I'll take a stand on and showing people [even pixelated people] how much they're loved is one of those items.

      For the record, I have yet to experience any Blendering frustration on her behalf.
  7. thedragonking82
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    Suits her very well! Now you will notice if Niner starts takeing her Jet for himself!
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      It does, doesn't it? Brig did a great job fitting all her vices onto one backpack.
      And of course using their logic, he's the one who got her hooked on introduced her to Jet so it's only fair that she share now.
  8. ProtectorDrake
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    Groovy Fellas Vedette is a really cutie
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Aw, ha, thanks! Glad you like her.
  9. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    Niner's face is a picture.
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      He's a pretty special guy, hm?
  10. NuclearWinterLover
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Always good to be prepared. Never know when you might need to throw a booze-and-inhalants party.
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      And that is just about the only thing Vedette's ever prepared for.. She never remembers to pack weapons, armor or anything useful. Just food and chems. u_u