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Can you spot what is out of place in this image?


  1. Serdoc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any ETA on a mod that includes this Grass Distance fix?
    1. Queued
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      NVAC contains the code change necessary, but at the moment only the newest beta version. It'll be part of the release version once a few kinks (unrelated to grass) in the beta get worked out and it's ready for release.
  2. hitman47101
    • premium
    • 4,070 kudos
    The plants maybe? or something with the LOD?

    I must admit I'm stumped. haha
    1. Queued
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      Close enough, really, and I'm not expecting much more people to notice this picture; the render range on grass is farther than the game normally allows. I found a bit of bad design in the code that was limiting grass to only the cells in a 3x3 grid around the player (regardless of your grass range setting). This picture shows grass allowed to a 5x5 cell range and a fGrassStartFadeDistance of 17000.
    2. hitman47101
      • premium
      • 4,070 kudos
      That's amazing!

      It's weird that i didn't notice that, i play with quite high grass density so i see the grass pop in often, very distracting.

      Only you could fix this kind of problem, keep up the great work!
  3. Queued
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    • 399 kudos
    Nope. It's smaller than a shack or billboard. Look for additions, not subtractions.
  4. darogman
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    The Deserted Shack??
  5. Serdoc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Missing the big Hoover Damn Billboard/Sign that is NE of Black Mountain?