Il Triello

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Vengeance has a price.


  1. justanotherguy2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    dude if you look around at the comments on your pictures you will notice that many of them talk about how much they want to kill Marko, now this is a character that not only does not exist but no one has ever met. which makes the accomplishment of invoking such emotion all the more special. so i say to you congratulations you have done a very good thing and you should be tremendously proud.
    p.s. thank you for doing this its the only reason i play new vegas anymore.
  2. Astagar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Both NVB I and NVB II are in my must-have plugins list. Cant wait to include third part as well.
  3. Ilookalikeme
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Youre back then eh? Guess i just have to update my shrine to you....

  4. lvhan5
    • member
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    to be honest, i did not want the NVBIII is the final story of the world you created. You really create a serious of damn good story in mojave, i really look forward to a epic.
  5. Maxius357
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    The Good, the Bad and The Ugly or Bounties 3. Or maybe even both . All of which would be bad A$$. The The Good, the Bad and The Ugly is my ringtone!
  6. deleted2159825
    • account closed
    • 3,525 kudos

    Woah!! I thought you left modding....?

    As it turns out, I'm in my prime.
    1. Maxius357
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
  7. deleted2159825
    • account closed
    • 3,525 kudos

    Well, I guess Cthulu and John Wayne heard my prayers.
    Good to see you back in action!

    They formed a trinity with Jesus-Zimmer and moved me to action.
    1. TheCourier13
      • account closed
      • 21 kudos
      ^True story, I saw the whole thing, it was like watching Jesus walk on water, only better.
  8. mange667
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    In my mind I don't play Fallout: New Vegas anymore, I play New Vegas Bounties!

    SO much better than all of the DLCs and far more fun than the main storyline, imo.

    Someguy2000 does not make the game better. He MAKES the game!

    After playing trough the series 5 times, I can't wait for this!

    Sorry about my english, but I'm just to excited to care right now

    Someguy, you are THE BEST!!!
  9. izynaor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank God , he is back because i quit new vegas , after he left but now that he is back ...hell ye.
    my friend ho still plays new vegas and is still modding told me and i came right away and update all the mods and stuff like that , soo cant wait
  10. grogpole
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    First of all YESFUCKWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYEAHYEAHYEAH *Cough* Right, as you can see, monumentally glad to have you back someguy, we all really missed your presence in the FNV modding community, 'specially myself. Just like to let you know that your mods are some of my main reasons to keep playing New Vegas, the quests, story, acting, locations all perfect! To be honest I kind of consider your stuff to be canon in the Fallout Universe, since it blends in perfectly with the lore and is on par, if not better, than the stuff in the vanilla games. Again, thanks a ton for such mind-blowingly fantastic content, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us/ Alchestbreach references/ horrible ways for Al to die in his videos from your mods :3