Fallout New Vegas
Small things in worn packages

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Todays update!

It's my remake of the 16inch carbine variant from LtAlbreschts mod - using the wider receiver mesh I made up yesterday.

A shorter FN FAL for those of smaller stature, or those that prefer more maneuverability over range. Also suitable for those who prefer smaller guns with knobs instead of levers! :D Who am I to judge.

Comes with free smudged fingerprints, ammunition sold separately.


  1. Lt Albrecht
    Lt Albrecht
    • premium
    • 78 kudos
    I'm Commander Shepard LT Albrecht and this is my favourite FAL on the Citadel Nexus.
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      I'm sorry. You need more Paragon points to unlock the romance option for this npc FAL.
    2. Lt Albrecht
      Lt Albrecht
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      Curses, and here I thought buying the day-one "making a hack-job that inspires greater things" DLC would auto-unlock it!
  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 351 kudos
    Right click, open in new tab.... Oh my! How much muesli do we owe you for this once it's released?
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      Hm. Three boxes ought to do it ^-^ Its really not that big of a deal, nearly half the work was done for me by having actual models to work off of. The textures, maps and various tweaks just take me a while because I'm still a bit of an ametuer.
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos

    This looks pretty darn good, Meister.
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      I never tire of seeing your seal Fast Lets me know I'm not just making stuff for my own enjoyment.
  4. thad09
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Me Gusta!

    By chance, could you make a version as a South African R1?

    As an owner of a FAL (DSA STG 58-18in), I am pleased to see these babies being reborn!

    Do you take requests? Cause I would love to see my version of the FAL in the game.
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      I'd be happy to realise your STG in-game. Living in a country with prohibitive firearm laws means that games are my only means of exploring this area of interest - so It would be my pleasure to see how close to reality I can get ^_^. PM me some pics of your rifle and I'll slip it in, either as another variant, or a unique item.