Fallout New Vegas
Desert Rose

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Doug spent most of the evening icing his jaw while elaborating on his journey through the Big MT to Sunny, Trudy and Willow. As he did, he discovered that an unfortunate side affect of being without a tangible, physical, functional brain was that he could no longer get drunk.
After the initial outburst of anger and frustration, Willow was actually quite glad to see him. "I was really worried about you, you know..."
Douglas stretched his aching jaw, nodding as he did so. "I know. I'm sorry I scared you like that. Next time you tell me to leave it alone, I will."
She looked at him with those sad eyes. "Promise?"
He nodded, smiling softly. "Promise." He massaged the ice pack Trudy had given him into his jaw. "Where did you learn to punch like that?"
Willow giggled, leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder. "You, silly."
Douglas chuckled. "Oh yeah. I did teach you how to throw a good punch, didn't I? Oh, I almost forgot." He leaned over and reached into his backpack. "I brought you something, Willow." He handed her a package wrapped in brown paper, tied with twine. Inside, folded neatly, was the Stealth Suit he had upgraded and retrieved from the X-13 Research Facility. "It's a good suit. Made it myself," He said, with a certain measure of satisfaction.
As the evening wound down, Trudy shooed them out the door. Willow and Doug headed back to their bunker, Willow clutching the package tightly, leaning into Douglas to ward off the chill night air.

When Doug awoke in the morning, Willow was gone. He stood up and stretched his aching muscles, then walked to the fridge for an Ice Cold Nuka Cola. As he shut the door he saw a freshly cooked Wasteland Omelet sitting on the table, a short, handwritten note tucked underneath the plate.
It read, "Come to the Yangtze Memorial when you're done with breakfast. Love, Willow. -xoxo" Doug smiled to himself, digging into his Omelet.

Fully dressed, gun in hand, Douglas walked around the Memorial, Dogmeat bouncing around excitedly behind him. "Willow! Willow?" Looking around he saw no sign of her. He grimaced, perplexed.
"Looking for someone?" Douglas turned to see Willow and JT standing on the small rise behind the Memorial. "Good morning, sleepy head. How do I look?"
Douglas couldn't help himself. He beamed up at her.
"You look fantastic."


  1. thedragonking82
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos

    Nicely done!
  4. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    A nice resolution to the last one. It seems things are definitely heating up between Doug and Willow for them to both think of it as "their bunker".
  5. zanyoutlaw
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    Nice job can't wait to see what is next for doug and willow
  6. Whitestrake
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Dang man you really know how to write a story. I come on here now just to see if you put anything new up.
    1. ProtectorBoy
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Right in the feels, man. I really appreciate that. I have a blog that I use for short stories and fiction blurbs if you're interested in reading some of my non-Fallout work.

      Again, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the journey.