Fallout New Vegas
JIP Realistic Weapon-Heating

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to offer a sneak-peak at a mod I'm currently working on, and maybe use this opportunity to hear your feedback and suggestions.
The mod is pretty much done - only some more testing and tweaking remain. Expected to be released sometime this week.

Basically, what it does is simulate the real-life, adverse effects of intensive fire, causing the weapon to rapidly build up heat:

The high temperature causes the weapon's barrel and mechanical parts to expand (grow in volume). The increased friction not only makes the weapon much more liable to malfunction (up to 30% chance of jamming with each round fired - making the weapon practically unusable until given a chance to cool down), but also causes the weapon's condition to deteriorate rapidly (up to ten times faster than the normal rate). If that wasn't enough, the increased pressure, exerted on the caliber, squeezes it inside the barrel, causing it to lose some of its kinetic energy (which is converted to even more heat), making the weapon less accurate (up to 10% increase in spread).

As seen in the image, a heat meter is added to the HUD. When the meter is completely filled, its outline will turn red - that is when the weapon starts "burning up". The longer you keep firing while in this state - the more severe the effects will be.
To relieve cluttering, the meter is only visible while a weapon is drawn, firing, or cooling down. You can also change its position on your HUD, or rotate it.

This is mostly intended for hardcore players and/or players obsessed with realism. It will also give you the opportunity to behold the very rarely-seen jam animations, unique to every weapon type, some of which are absolutely beautiful.


  1. RicardoRs1990
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Where did you got this crosshair?
    1. jazzisparis
      • premium
      • 1,009 kudos
      Seriously? That's the dynamic crosshair from Project Nevada.
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    Very interesting. Now we need a mod that will allow you to change barrels on those weapons intended for that.
    1. jazzisparis
      • premium
      • 1,009 kudos
      Err...if someone decides to make one, it would probably not be me.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Very interesting. Now we need a mod that will allow you to change barrels on those weapons intended for that.
    I can just see an image of Ramona and Garrett having a competition to see who's faster. I'm thinking they'd each do better with specific models and end up calling it a draw.
  4. TrickyVein
    • premium
    • 407 kudos
    This is a great idea. Makes me think of Mass Effect. It also seems that it would require many more things to shoot at than are in the Mojave, currently, for you to notice these adverse effects and for them to become annoying.

    It would make clearing out some dungeons like Vault 34 or the fiend's even more challenging. When TTW 2.0 is released I will take this mod with me to DC because it seems there's simply more action there for this mod to really shine.
  5. Fidller
    • BANNED
    • 11 kudos
    How would this be used with a Bolt-Action rifle?
    1. jazzisparis
      • premium
      • 1,009 kudos
      The same way as with any other weapon. Though bolt-action rifles are much less likely to overheat, due to their slower rate of fire.
  6. Frantar
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Great idea! Want to see it ingame!
  7. Nukl34r
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    omg its too damn perfect
  8. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,434 kudos
    brilliant idea!
  9. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    I'll admit it's not something I would normally try, but I enjoy your other mods. If you say it might be fun I'm willing to check it out when it's released.
  10. GreaserGun
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just hope it's hard to overheat the assault rifles and sub machine guns. They're not exactly easy to over heat, due to the small magazine size compared to the magazines of machineguns and other large weapons.
    1. jazzisparis
      • premium
      • 1,009 kudos
      I use a formula that takes into account, among other parameters, the weapon's rate of fire. Weapons intended for rapid fire (i.e. automatic weapons) build up heat relatively slower.