Fallout New Vegas
Cass and Veronica

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I don't understand the fascination with all the "beautiful" and "sexy" Cass and Veronica mods out there - their facial structures are just fine the way Obsidian made them. They look cute and realistic, just needed a better texture and some Mikoto eyes and hair.


  1. stuart1502
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Thank you. Finally, someone else who doesn't feel the need to turn Veronica into a sex doll. I played new Vegas on the PS3 for over a year before I got the PC bersion in December, and for a lot of that Veronica was my constant companion. Every time I've thought about getting a mod to change her appearence, i've taken one look at the screenshots and thought "looks cute... but that's not Veronica".

    Well, except her outfit. I changed that the day i got the game.
  2. Ogramirad
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    I think so too.