Project Ultimatum

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Everything is possible.
Project Ultimatum: think outside the box.
Download it here

What users think about it:

Great mod here I just love it!
I've always liked to play as a good guy who prefers to disarm a foe rather than killing, and this works wonder.
- freakyface

Real gameplay features!It's amazing mod!
- FuryJack

Awesome mod, works perfect. I was actually looking for a whistle key in vanilla FNV when I first started playing to lure people into traps, but was rather dissappointed when I figured out there was none. So this mod is just perfect, a perfect fit to make the game more fun.
- Sinique

Enorme ! Awesome !

Love it
The best
- woodsink123

A must have mod for immersion and gameplay!
- Helgedman

And more! Check the newest version, you won't be disappointed!

A big must for immersion and being a commando ninja cowboy man =)[/quote]