VICE - Camelot Casino

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About this image

Very early. Really happy with the dragon I did. The swords and crown were rushed, so better variants are likely to come. Added blocks to the top of the building to look more castle-like.


  1. 616Lazarus
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    You've been going crazy with the neon lately, is it custom pieces or kitbash, either way it looks great!
    1. Muggzee
      • premium
      • 97 kudos
      It's just pieces from Speedy's resources. I've just been using the bits of neon and shaping them into various themes I think would work with the setting. Even if these don't make it in, I'll probably make a resource pack if anyone wants them. I really like the Old Vegas buildings Bobio makes. I'm hoping they make more. I'm trying to go for this image here: 

      A few more signs from here and I can probably have this nearly replicated. With some wasteland grit of course...
    2. 616Lazarus
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Yeah that's kinda what I thought, that dragon is crazy impressive creativity, and skill.
  2. readyfready
    • supporter
    • 45 kudos
    I could implement your work directly into my Arizona Baby!'s dungeons and tunnels. It was supposed to be a secret but you can't get it all :)
    The last image from the outside. There is much Great Khanism in your work as it is. That is why I fell for it. Due to the BigBang the rifts and the soil has brought up unimaginable resources. Not only metals but references to what we today call medicines but and so on .... Pleased to meet your work. Very inspiring and I wish the best in what you do and when :)
    I lost the connection but here is what I need if you got the time and interest: Primarily facades in a crossing, NS and EW, and a city life. I can upload my mod for you to work on on your own.
    (Bullhead Airfield is on the top of it all. Flagstaff will eventually be connected too. Nellies is a nice connection too.)

    !::! Fred