Fallout New Vegas 3rd New House for NIPTON

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  1. Yamatohime
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    The only problem I see is their prestine look. Doesn't look like something that was built with scavenged materials.
    1. RetroBabe
      • member
      • 86 kudos
      This Mod will be DLC Sized Huge and is for all who love a PRE-WAR LOOK, so before Bombs fell!
    2. Yamatohime
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      It would be pity if all that work will fail to grab people's attention if it would break their immersion. Overall, I kind can believe in lime-covered houses if because we have quarries as well as wooden ones because we could probably get some wood. But if metal would be prestine, it would probably make people not interested till some one made re-texture patch.
    3. Yamatohime
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      And... Do what you want with your mod. It is your mod after all. It is impossible to please everyone.
  2. laclongquan
    • supporter
    • 45 kudos
    Too clean~ Even if Nipton houses were built recently, its being that clean just knock us out of immershun~

    Also I would advise paying more attention to the corner line of the house. Add more details there, like scratch or discolor, so it would look slightly different than the wall texture. So the whole look is more 3D, instead of flat like currently.