When Shes Gone

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  1. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Somebody please let me know if the pictures are too dark (beyond the subject matter) to see on your monitor - it's tough doing nighttime shots, so I'm trying to find a good balance...

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend, hope my downer of a story doesn't bring anybody down   it's Thanksgiving over here in the States, so lots of time for family, food (and Fallout...)
  2. AusAllerWelt
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    I love how everybody is talking about Sunny's trauma except for... you know, the actual victim. I'd be super pissed if a woman who is like a mother to me just told someone about this without me even knowing.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Interesting take (as usual…😘)  and yeah - that occurred to me.  I chalk it up to Trudy being an experienced judge of character and knowing her stepdaughter would want it said, but wouldn’t say it herself.  It was mainly plot device to make the reader aware that it happened. Will Sunny be mad? Probably, but that’s an issue for a later episode 😉
    2. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 234 kudos
      Really nice episode handling these topics, but I had the same take. I would be mad as hell if someone outed me like that. But everyone is different. I just wouldn't want to be seen different for something I didn't volunteer. 
    3. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback, guys- it’s valuable to me and is feeding into future episodes; I don’t take the subject lightly.  
  3. cake81
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Outstanding read Eggman, almost wish it was a mod so that my courier could stack the bodies.
    Just don't want to see something bad happen to Sunny.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Ikr? The beauty of video games- wiping out bad guys…
  4. AmethystsStardust
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    Images look fine to me, I think this is the first time i've seen THAT implied in a story here.  I know a merc, super soldier or a mentally unstable lady to take care of this guy if need be. lol
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Hey, Raza-
      I think you might be right.  I love the comments section, b/c messages like yours give me a chance to reflect on what I wrote - I guess I wanted to show just how lawless and brutal the wasteland could be- from the comments in here, I guess it worked... Lots of people volunteering to grease this guy - the crew will give Melanie a call if they need backup
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    Dang it... this was grim...... Put a tear in my eye (seriously)   But that is - unfortunately - also part of life. She's not the first - and she won't be the last   (Takes a deep breath) Looking at this solemnly, I think it's an excellent way of making me - us - understand their relationship later on. The cornerstone so to speak.  Oh - btw- if you need a sniper for the job I know someone who doesn't take kindly to such acts. Of course he won't see it coming then so..........
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I’m glad it was able to make a mark- thanks, Bernt! The idea was to add some depth to Sunny, but I’m a little afraid I’ve just added a revenge story to a saga that’s already grown waaay beyond what I intended… 🤔
      I’ve been meaning to ask to use Garrett in the strip, I need someone for a tactical task that’s right up his alley 😁
  6. etholas
    • supporter
    • 55 kudos
    I think the lighting was fine. Sometimes in real life it's really dark. SO dark you can't believe it. Like being in a desert at night. Or elsewhere in the wilderness.
    A rough chapter but I like the idea that somebody's head (the other one) is going to be on the block. Now I really like Six.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, Eth!
      Yep, done a lot of walking around in the wilderness in the pitch dark, so I’m intimately familiar with not being able to see my hand in front of my face- that’s just not useful for comics 😆
  7. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 356 kudos
    Yay, new NGNM!

    ...and hey, that's a job Ramona would take for free too, lemme know if you want her assets/plugin.  If she knew the whole story she'd buy out all their contracts, get them blacklisted, watch their caravan slowly die, and then do the deed on all of 'em leaving Slim for last to watch the others go.

    The images came through fine on this end
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      ooo, I got an acronym now!  :D

      Sure, if you have a plugin of Ramona, Id love to do a cameo (for now) or put her in the story somewhere where she fits in - there might be a mercenary company forming up here for the coming fight...
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 356 kudos
      lol  it's just easier than typing the whole thing out, kind of an obvious acronym.
  8. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Heavy duty sh** there, partner. Whatever his name is won't always have his buddies backing him up. Yeah, the first gif was too dark.

    Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
    ... Anytime she goes away.

    Trivia question: How many times does Bill Withers sing "I know?"
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, Laird - I got tired of redoing the gif, so it is what it is   thanks for that feedback tho!

      hmm... it says 22 times in the lyrics that came with the video
  9. potatohedgehog97
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Y'know, my courier would've done the same-- but steadfastly refuse the caps. He'd bean all of those gonks for free just 'cuz it's the right thing to do.

    Nicely done on this! :)
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, PHH - 
      haha, yeah- I always play the good guy
  10. Karna5
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    These shots are so beautiful I kept forgetting to look for text boxes. I mean they're holy-crap gorgeous :)
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, Karna - I think I've got my settings where I want them, and I kinda lucked out that everything came together for this one.
  11. blu377
    • supporter
    • 195 kudos
    "But I'll saw his head off for free" Was music to my ears...just realised you got me hating paper That there proves you are a fantastic story teller


    P.S The shots look great to me
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Excellent, thanks blu-
      "hating paper..." never heard that one before - that's a keeper