Tacticool Goth Tomboy Mommy 2

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I never realized doing an LMG run is so much fun. You literally tear through enemies like a hot knife through butter. The only downside is that you also tear through your ammo reserves like crazy.


  1. DarthAssassin
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    LMG's are great but they always end up being secondary in my arsenals, maybe I should change that...

    Might I prod and pry you about where that outfit is from btw?
    1. Ayyylmao007
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Vest is from Nickheggo's gunner operator..

      Outfit and choker are both from a trish outfit pack hosted on GUNetwork
  2. FreemanMhm
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    I wouldn't say upgrade.....