The Calm

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  1. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 105 kudos
    Maaaaaan, I forgot the Claire/Cyan montage bit.  It's there now 

    Thanks to Keylancer13, cordelionreaver, and readyfready for their assets! (and of course, Willow and Andrea )
  2. cordelionreaver
    • member
    • 47 kudos
    Cyan: OI! Whiskers, the f*#@ did you do to my hair!

    Claire and Cyan, getting ready to cause some problems.

    I do like the jeans verison of Dragbody's Gunslnger Armor.   I might go back to that verison for Cyan. 
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Cyan’s undercover, duh
    2. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Rushed through posting, and forgot to drop their stakeout bit in there... 
    3. cordelionreaver
      • member
      • 47 kudos
  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    The calm before the storm. Shall I let him sleep just a little bit longer? Or....... A lot of tension here. I can just imagine...... Quite fitting here just a few days past the D-Day anniversary.
    I'm in awe at the way you build your own world to make it fit the story you've got inside your head.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      It's funny, the D-Day thing occurred to me as well - I have something cooking up for that
      Thanks, Bernt!
  4. Squidfest
    • supporter
    • 60 kudos
    You have such a way with framing. It's enviable.

    Still should have Daniel's Hat, though.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      ya killin me ovah heeyah

      stick to the ol' 1/3-2/3 rule, hard to go wrong
  5. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 354 kudos
    Never figured you for the silent picture type, but hey, it works!  Kidding aside, it makes perfect sense.
    I almost get the feeling Andrea is up to something, something is going on in her infinitely powerful processor that we're not privy to.  I have a bad feeling about this, hopefully I'm wrong.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
  6. Karna5
    • premium
    • 304 kudos
    I love this :)
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Thanks, Karna- you are too kind, sir-
  7. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Yes, I'll raise a glass of champagne to that.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Dammit, that was supposed to be a martini. Robot bartenders at the Lucky 38, y’know…