Fallout New Vegas
Somore Mashing Up

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Looks like things are progressing along on getting Mona all kitted up.  As far as Blender, I've just about forgotten everything you and NH taught me about it, it's the old "use it or lose it" syndrome.   I did manage to fix some texture links to meshes (after thumb driving my game from one computer to another), but other than that, I'm sort of "duh" trying to figure out every thing else I previously knew how to do.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      I hear ya!  You know how to reach me if you need help. I can always mash up Raven's armor again too, if you don't still have it.  If I recall it was just a couple blocks and a texture swap in Nifskope.
  2. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Hey Mona, nice to see you back and getting some better quality duds, not to mention some new/better accessories, ladies do need their bling after all. 

    Hey Brig, glad to see you're back as well, or at least back to wrangling stuff in Nifskope. I recently made an attempt (hahaha) to fix some stuff in an outfit an discovered that I had completely forgotten how to do many things that I used to do using nifskope, and then spending hours trying to look up stuff online to make the changes I wanted. Kind of shocked me that I had forgotten so much. As for the canteen, would it be possible to scootch it over a bit so it is on her back hip, behind her holster so it isn't interfering with her draw or clipping with her hand? Not sure if it is a separate mesh, or part of the mesh of the belt itself, which is always annoying to deal with I know, but just a thought. 
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you, sir.

      Yes, you're on to something with the canteen placement, Bernt was wondering if it would interfere with draw clearance too.  I don't want to put on her back, but that really might be the best solution outside of replacing with something else (I'm now pondering a waterskin on its own sling instead).  It is a separate block, which makes things easier, though I did just teach myself how to separate verts into new blocks in both Blender and Outfit Studio this time around.  I'm very glad that I made tutorial videos for questions folks would ask me over the years; I wish I had made more.
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    All good so far. The problem with bandoliers is that the cartridges bend/mold to the body. It looks a little goofy, but other than that if it's not too cluttered would look good.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks!  I hear ya, though there are some "rigid" bandoliers out there - I'm pretty sure Tailor Made has a nice partial shotgun bandolier.  When they're painted on rigged clothing, yeah, they're gonna deform with the rest of the outfit like that.
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    You talk about things I cannot even see. Ok - I need new glasses but...... Anyway - she's looking great in her "new" gear. I am just wondering..... Won't the canteen interfere with her left gun?
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Let's see if I can make it more visible without it being a fuzzy mess when I enlarge things...

      The middle of the spots in red circles are where you can see the inside of her shirt or armor. Since the models are "flat", in that they don't have an inside face, we see the lack of something there - kind of like being on the other side of a one way mirror. Compare to the last image in the set, looking at where the shirt ends on her right/our left, you can see the inside of the shirt and the light even hits the inside differently than the outside.

      As for the canteen - Yeah, that occurred to me too, but if I move it up to the other belt I suspect it would likely do uncomfortable things during some animations and poses. If I move it back it will clip through her hand when she's at rest. My initial thought was for it to be a hip flask, but water just seems infinitely more practical for her battledress. Hmmm, I think there's a wearable waterskin in the Courier's Cache mod. I'm going to have to look into that if I remember.

      Thanks Bernt!
  5. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Love how it's looking! Love all the little details you put into your mashups. She may protest, but I'm sure she appreciates it too. And I agree with her, we definitely need some bubbles!!
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks!  Yeah, I've got stuff to do around the house and then I'll probably be spending the rest of my gaming time today working on visuals.
  6. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 104 kudos
    Looking great..!  You're hired.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you.  Let's talk benefits...