Fallout New Vegas

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  1. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos

    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Where can I get THAT bush? Please Thank you very much AT
    2. arghTease
      • premium
      • 207 kudos
      you have to plant a pizza at exactly midnight on Midsummer's Eve.  You'll have pizza for the rest of your life. 🤣🤣🤣
  2. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 402 kudos
    Nice to see someone doing something productive for a change.

    Speaking of gardening - most meditative and satisfactory kind of labor I've personally experienced.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      I mainly stick to tending to the lawn. Mrs B does the hard work. And then leaves the watering and fertilizer to me. But it IS very rewarding. Right here and now. And - not least- at harvest Thank you very much Murat
  3. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Nothing more rewarding than a cold drink after a long day of work in the sun. They seem to be enjoying the weather, I like the posing here. 
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thanks a lot MissM Poses are courtesy of the Groovatron and Jokerine. And you're right. Straightening your back and feeling a cold drink down your throat is very rewarding  
  4. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 112 kudos
    Nice images of the true meaning of "I have a garden". 

    When I retired, I thought "I should plant a garden.  Just a small one."  However, I soon realized how much actual work was entailed and said to myself "I just retired from less work than that".  And, so, I really enjoy other people's gardens and willingly accept any donations of excess vegetables - except zucchini.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thank you Hammer I leve the boring work - dirty that is- to Mrs B I stick to mowing the lawn and making sure our willow hedge doesn't grow to be unmanagable. And lending her a hand of course. Our lot is not very big. But inbtween our greenhouse and our planters we can keep ourselves supplied with fresh veggies all through the season  
  5. GhanimaAtreides
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Glad SOMEONE is having nice weather! I'm still wearing sweaters and putting the heating on...

    Also, ol' Garett and Willow seem to be enjoying domestic life!
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thank you GA Too bad about - your- weather. April was not nice to us but May's got nice temperatures - and not a lot rain until now. So we're finally outside enjoying it.
      I'm not sure how much Garrett is enjoying the digging. But he knows very well that food doesn't grow all by itself. Even game takes some stalking to be made into venison
  6. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Makes sense to me.  If you're not familiar with it, we have an idiom "making hay while the sun shines", which simply means doing things when there's an opportunity to do them because we know there's a time coming when we won't be able to do those things.  It seems somewhat appropriate here, given the agricultural theme.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thanks a lot Brigand I never heard that specific idiom before. But it makes a lot of sense to me. At 56 north, winter - or at least darkness- seem to go on forever. This April let us down -cold and with a new record rainfall-  so it's only now we really feel like enjoying our garden.
  7. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    For most of my life as a kid my family always had a garden. And it was our jobs as kids, all 8 of us, to weed it and pick the vegetables. Most of which did make it into the house for dinner, sadly the cherry tomatoes just never seemed to bear much fruit and when checked, the few that were on the vine were still to green to eat. But between the garden and the wild grapes, blackberries, and rhubarb, we never lacked for vegetables, or just stuff to pick and munch on. I think we had about 2 acres for most of my life that was my Dad's garden. Most of the folk around us had at the very least, a small plot set aside as a kitchen garden to grow their own food, but then most of the folk my parents age had lived through WWII where having such was all but required of the whole country. 

    Seems strange that more people now aren't growing their own, what with the price of food being insane. A few green bean, or pea plants on a windowsill will give you fresh food several times a week, if not more. Potted plants on a balcony is plenty of room to eat good for a small family. I've even seen community gardens popping up in neighborhoods in Detroit (we have an over-abundance of empty house lots) 
    1. gogutier
      • premium
      • 81 kudos
      Cool story bro
    2. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thank you very much Dave Not unlike my childhood. Growing up on a big lot in the countryside. Taking part in whatever work we could depending on our age. My sister and I each had a few square meters where we could grown our own. Usually peas and carrots. Yummy I'm happy that we have this small lot with room for a lawn, some planters and a decent greenhouse
  8. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 104 kudos
    I like the shovel poses- nice work!

    yep, a garden is a must-have, for whenever I get to the retirement house!
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thank you very much Eggman Shovel poses are from Jokerine. I wouldn't want to be without our - tiny - garden. Spent four years living in apartments. It was a blessing when we bought this old - 1910- house 28 years ago. Fresh vegetables all summer. And sitting outside eating and listening to the birds. We don't mind the work. It's not that much - after all  
  9. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Damn, I miss feeling that moist soil in my hands. And that smell after a spring rain.  I know it's hard work, though. Here's one for you.

    Say do you have one of these?
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thanks a lot Laird No - I have never even seen a cap with that logo. I don't know any farmers. Not anymore. But - looking it up- I probably see their rapeseeds every day driving to work. The countryside is all yellow with flowering fields these days I like that song. I grew up in the country side and spend a lot of time at the neighboring farm playing with their son - and taking part in the everyday life and chores. And Denmark is big on food production so it's all around you - and in the news too.
      Pia's the one getting her hands dirty. She finished with the greenhouse today. And we've got planters with potatoes, herbs and berries. I mainly tend to the lawn and whatever trees needs cutting. Still - the smell of a freshly mown lawn......
  10. pandasteakburger
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    The very thought of 200-year-old Spam fills me with horror, but so does the idea of mirelurk cakes and fire ant fricassée. Or anything related to bugs. I definitely prefer fresh vegetables! Good job!
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      Thank you very much Panda Jas Wilkins in Sloan actually asks you what you'd like. And one of answers is something like "anything that's not 200 years old"