Fallout New Vegas
Josie Barton

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As a Procurement Specialist for the Followers of the Apocalypse, Josie firmly believes in leaving the Wasteland a better place then she found it. Rumor has it that on the other side of the Wasteland, they don't even have clean drinking water. Might be worth investigating.


  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    A doctor too - huh. I wonder how she gets along with Arcade. (My favorite cynic) He seems to be cut from the same piece of cloth
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Y'know funnily enough I haven't hired Arcade with her yet. I know he's super easy to hire for Ve, because her intelligence is low enough he feels bad for her. I forget how to hire him normally. xD
    2. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Y'know funnily enough I haven't actually tried Arcade with Josie. I know he's a really easy hire for Ve cus she has low enough intelligence when she drinks, but I forgot how to hire him normally. That and I'm already rolling with Ronnie and Willow... Still might make room for one more dr.. 
  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Somehow I get the feeling this song belongs here:
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Ooh, I like that one for her too. 
  3. GhanimaAtreides
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Now I see why she hit it off with Veronica, another procurement specialist. I love her hair!
    1. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      She and Ronnie have a lot in common, wanting to help the Wasteland and make a difference. Thanks. ^^