Fallout New Vegas
Microsoft Co-pilot Does New Vegas

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  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    Not quite sure what to think of this whole AI thing. I know it is here for good . And it will stay here no matter my opinion. And I'm sure it's beneficial in many ways. But as far as art - in this case screenshots- I don't see it as a creative tool. Though I am sure some will disagree. 
    Still - it is interesting reading about your experiments. And seeing the result
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Yes, AI is not going away. The AI did a good job on the mountains and several other things. I can't imagine why it made the cemetery so prominent, however. An omen? At the moment it's like watching a child play with a toy and then getting down on the floor to play with him. The thing about children is that they do grow up eventually. In fact, some of them end up building toys or more serious contraptions.

      In CP77, an AI "person" is awarded the Swedish Prize in literature for her latest novel, her third best seller.
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      Virginia Grandchester.
      We're a species intelligent enough to both avoid and engineer our own demise and redundancy. Wisdom is another thing entirely.
    3. HolotapeGamer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think AI is best for drafts, ideas, and different interpretations that shouldn't be used as any form of final projects but as tools. And @Bernt to your point of not seeing it as a creative tool - these full landscape artworks of ideas via a text prompt can allow artists or modders to see a preview of their idea before taking the time to work hours on a final piece and change direction halfway through if they want.