FO3 Physics vs SSE Physics

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I'm not an expert in this, so I asked the AI about it.


  1. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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    I found that the old Havok engine used in FO3 and FNV was overall a good physics engine excpet for the predictive collision detection algorithm they used in the engine. Probably they have fixed this issue in the later version of the engine. 

    Overall, you can safely that this is another proof indicating the game world is the matrix. Then who crated the matrix? Game and engine developers, of course. 

    Big thanks should go to KiCHo666 for at least giving me a chance to look into it.
  2. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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    Looks like half-life 2 also has this glitch. All these games use certain physics engines but with different physics engines. 
  3. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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    This glitch is well described in FNV bug list in the wiki document. However, this bug report hasn't been written by me. It was already there when I visited the page some days ago. Described by someone else. Not sure but probably a long time ago. 

    Use the search window on your web-brower with keywords, 'stretch' and 'physics engine glitches.':
    1. 'body stretch glitch' is what I described here. 
    2. There is also a physics engine glitch in which objects bobbing up and down as described in the wiki page. 

    Note: These glitches occur not only in fallout 3 and fallout new vegas but also in many games such as halo, dying light, and etc.. Obviously in certain types of games powered by physics engines. These two glitches are related to each other. 
  4. SciRika
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    • 216 kudos
    Congrats, you now know less than you did before!
    1. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      So AI did wrong? 
    2. SciRika
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      • 216 kudos
      You asked a text-prediction algorithm that can't "know" things, about a thing. It's going to get it wrong.
    3. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      Of course, I already knew AI can do a lot of mistakes. I didn't say the AI gave me all the right answer. I just wanted to understand the infamous "flying body glitch" in Fallout 3. If you know about this, tell me why it occurs. That's all I want to understand and that's why I'm digging into this. 
    4. SciRika
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      • 216 kudos
      Which flying body glitch? The only one I know about is the one where the bodies stretch and fly around really fast. That one is caused by the body hitting the ground right in between the checks that Havok does, or whatever you would call them.
    5. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      OK. I will explain about this because you are interested. There is a fast tavel system (FTS) in FO3. However, sometimes I felt the FTS is not enough. So I began to use. Set timescale to 10 ~ 30. This console command is highly advantageous for short(&medium)-distance rapid movement. Then I began to see these strange glitches. Then another one day, I saw the same glitch even when I didn't use the console command. Of course, if you don't use the console command, this rarely occurs but it surely occurs because I saw it. Then another day in the past, I found on the internet that there are other people saw the same glitches. Since witnessing that glitch, I often find myself pondering about it. Thoughts like, “What causes such random behavior?” frequently cross my mind. I have my own theory, but I cannot be certain. Therefore, I’ve started delving deeper into this phenomenon. A mere theory won’t suffice; I need solid evidence or solid method to crack this.

      I haven't check yet but I guess situation is the same in FNV. There is also a YouTube video on this. I'm not the owner of the YouTube channel. I just found there are people who saw the exact same glitch. 

      Edit: If you use higher value in the CC, I'm pretty sure this will occur much more oftenly. Monster, humans alike They fly randomly.
    6. SciRika
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      • 216 kudos
      You broke the game by messing with the timescale, that's what happened. What does that have to do with SSE?
    7. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      Because I want to know whether similar glitches occur in SSE? And, like you said, I messed it with timescale. But it is true that I saw this glitch even when I played a new game without using any console commands. Anyway, I have my own theory about this. I have a peculiar curiosity on these kind of things.
    8. SciRika
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      • 216 kudos
      If you want to know if it affects SSE, why aren't you asking the SSE nexus?
    9. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      Because I'm currently actively engaging in this community? There was no intention of comparing two games or two communities. I love both games & both communities.
      1. The glitch occured in FO3. So I thought this is a good place to share the AI's answers.
      2. SSE case is just for comparison. What I'm interested in is 'randomly flying body glitch' in FO3. 
      3. And another reason is that I have a copy of SSE in Steam Library, but I still haven't had enough time to play it. 

      I hope there's no further misunderunderstanding on this matter.
  5. Xilandro
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    lmao no
    1. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      If you say so, I will believe so because you are one of the most respected authors in this community. I also understand AIs sometimes do a lot of mistakes. So would you kindly tell me what is wrong and right here? I just want to learn.
    2. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      Have you ever heard about randomly flying body glitch? I think you already know this. Do you know what causes this? I am digging into this because I want to understand the mechanism of randomly flying body glitch. Somehow I think the AI gave me an answer on this matter. 
    3. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      In computer science, random is not just random. Sometimes this random behavior is caused by hardware or cosmic rays but this 'randomly flying body' glitch occurs only in special situation. This is quite special random behavior. It's not just random. This is what I want to understand. 
    4. Xilandro
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      • 2,707 kudos
      Sorry, I'm not an AI, I can't speculate on things I have no idea about, and look serious while at it.
    5. wkdRmffhemqkseka
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      • 171 kudos
      At least you are honest to yourself. This explains why you became one of the most respected authors in this community. And thanks for adding comments to a noob like me.