Havoc Physics vs Real Physics

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One guy is keep leaving annoying comments. If someone like this guy wants to leave some comments, please make sure what part of AI answers are right and wrong. I clearly understand AI can do mistakes. We all know this. I clearly understand most part of the AI answers here are correct except for "free fall sim" because this is what I haven't tested yet. I'm currently busy for making PDF tutorials and so don't have time to confirm this. I will test this later. Other than that, every AI answers correct. 

I also clearly understand there are AI haters. Maybe this guy is one of them.

This comment section is becomeing more and more ridiculous. This is not what I want. So I decided not to do anything more about this. Do whatever you want guys. Peace!


  1. wkdRmffhemqkseka
    • premium
    • 171 kudos
    Turned out the old version of the Havok engine used in FO3 and FNV was overall a good physics engine excpet for the predictive collision detection algorithm they used in the engine. The issue probably has been fixed by the developer in the later version of the engine. 
  2. CSEPteam
    • premium
    • 993 kudos
    This is misinformation, stop deleting my comment.
    1. wkdRmffhemqkseka
      • premium
      • 171 kudos
      OK, let's talk. You became nicer than before. So I think we can talk reasonably. Your comment is full of missing information. You need to specify your statement. (At least AI is betten than you in this way. Much more better.) What part of the information here are right and wrong? Use relevant reference material such as paper. I am not sure of this but there must be some kinds of research papers on this. I'm highly interested in this matter. Especially 'randomly flying body glitch.' Can you provide really helpful information on this phenomenon? That will help me a lot. I've uploaded this because of the glitch I'm highly interested in. I am a fan of Bethesda games. I'm not a havoc engine hater nor a Bethesda game hater nor a fo3/fnv community hater. The reason I am interested in this issue is because it is relevant to my research area.
    2. temporalsoup
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      asking copilot to tell you the difference between real life and a video game isn't "research" its retarded.
    3. wkdRmffhemqkseka
      • premium
      • 171 kudos
      OK. I decided not to do anything about this anymore. This comment section is becoming more and more ridiculous. This is not what I want. Do whatever you want guys. Peace!