Fixed Up The Couch by a lot

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I went back and changed it to where it uses the diner booth instead and it turned out way better. Thank you to F@Nt0M who gave me some good advice on what to use and sent me on the right direction


  1. tlonak
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    The couch is really good. I like it. ^-^

    The armor, though, is a direct insult to wasteland garbage.
    1. That armor isn't mine! 
    2. TPOl7uHKA
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      indeed, the armor is just disgusting, it’s good that the author deleted it
  2. ShiftToSprint
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    that armor is vile
    1. Yup I know. It was the early version of the combat armor that someone made a while back. 
    2. spoonsandvich
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      you still have that mod? I deleted the files before it got deleted. and I actually really liked it
  3. TPOl7uHKA
    • premium
    • 355 kudos
    the armor is ugly.
    the one who made it has no taste 
  4. TPOl7uHKA
    • premium
    • 355 kudos
    oh dear
  5. dans76
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    еще один удобный на вид диван