Fallout New Vegas
Concept Art Vault112 Robobrain

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  1. prodlimen
    • premium
    • 501 kudos
    This is one of Adam Adamowicz iterations of the Robobrain for what was originally planned to be Vault 112. It arrived to Vault 21 Maintenance room.

  2. WebbProductionsEntertain
    • premium
    • 658 kudos
    I absolutely love this. Your talent knows no bounds!
  3. theDemonJackal
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    That is like 1000 times more creepy and unsettling.
    1. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 501 kudos
      Thank you Jackal!. . I think the same, Adam had a invaluable perception.
    2. fredlaus
      • account closed
      • 194 kudos
      This should be a separate post by me. I hope theDemonJackal don't mind.

      This is very good to see.
      A fabulous and creative mind that deserves all the credit given here by you authors/modders.
      Is this a tribute to AA only or a rework process by you?
  4. Ru5tyShackleford
    • member
    • 93 kudos
    yay! I always liked that old design.
    1. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 501 kudos
      Thank you Ru5tyShackleford!. . Me too, I just adore  that gloomy and creepy atmosphere.
  5. PineappleSurprise
    • premium
    • 150 kudos
    That's got to be one of the creepiest robots I've seen lately. Looks just like something you'd find lurking in some long-forgotten vault.

    Now all we need is for someone to give it custom animations (animate all of its little grabby arms, etc), and then we'd have something that's bound to give players a few nightmares.
    1. ScoutBorrachudo
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      agreed, when i saw this and the concept my first thought was "oh s#*! theses robobrains are some nightmare fuel stuff"
    2. PineappleSurprise
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      A lot of the early concept art for Fallout 3 had this kind of unsettling "dark" take on 50s sci-fi that was mainly phased out in the final game. Sort of a fusion of The Jetsons and Blade Runner, almost. Whether or not it really fit the Fallout universe is kind of questionable though, so I can see why it never really got used.
    3. PineappleSurprise
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      [double post]
    4. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 501 kudos
      Thank you PineappleSurprise! . It would have been gorgeous that Vault 112 would look as creepy as it's featured in those sketches, with this particular type of Robobrains. Their design is kinda a version of the Hunchback of Notedrame/ mixed with one of those buttlers that appear in certain horror stories.  I agree, the early concept art looks like a mix between the Jetsons and Blade Runner. That doomed vibe was soo exciting. 
    5. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 501 kudos
      I agree Falloutborrachudo , that Vault looks like a Sanatorium with the Robobrains as the evil nurses.
  6. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    1. prodlimen
      • premium
      • 501 kudos
      Thank you Bernt!.