Fallout New Vegas

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  1. keylancer13
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    Looking forward to this, especially the bit about transferring Apollo outfits to it. There's a lot of them you've done that I'd love to see converted to human!Roberts.
    1. Heh, yeah it will not be too hard now while body is quite similar. :)
  2. DiamondBorne
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Delicious abs <3
    1. Yeah, robert body shape is most eye-candy one I know for all beth games ^^ I still can't get how anyone can find vanila or breeze (i.e. vanilla with square pipi) attractive.
  3. AnnihilatingDespair
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    I think this game just need some extra helper bones for the skeleton, for better limb movement. It will add more work to the vertex weighting yes, but it will be a visual improvement. Things like knee helpers, elbow helpers, thigh twists.
    I recently started to play F4 and my God there are some ugly looking knees when you sneak. Somehow it looks much worse than F3 or NV lmao.
    1. Main F3/FNV problem is that they took Oblivion skeleton and edited rest T-pose in shoulder area to worst one you can imagine. And also tried to implement firing animations to skeleton that completely wasn't intended for it, just like trying to attach grenade launcher to medieval sword, lol. They completely messed up Clavicles and Shoulders rotation bones and weights, that's why F3 shoulders are so ugly mess.

      Limbs themselves work normal in F3, like in Oblivion, if animation made properly. At least normal enough to not bother with helper bones, more custom skeletons and more weighting work. Well, except those vanilla sneak animations, they are bizarre whenewer you do with weights or meshes. :D