The New New Vegas Reloaded Showcase

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  1. reveccamorikava
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Unfortunately it keeps my game from loading, think there's something going wrong with my videomemory..
    Anyways I absolutely love how this looks (: Great captures!
  2. Steeww
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    NVR is so awesome, thanks for sharing. These textures look insane (in a good way)
  3. Radioactivelad
    • premium
    • 187 kudos
    Is this a private test/release?
    I periodically check in at Alenet's website, but the only link I've seen there is the 2018 version that has broken water reflections.
    Had no idea he was making progress on scenery shadows.

    Edit: oh whoops just saw the addendum at the bottom.
  4. FalloutHog
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Looks like another game / engine. Or it this Fallout 4: New Vegas? (kidding)
  5. T00EZ
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Color palette shown in this screenshot is reminiscent of Fallout 4's.
  6. DravenLovecraft
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Neat, always love to see what those new shadows look like in game. The ones casted by the broken down bridges above the player must look neat
  7. Zanderat
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Is the new NVR out or still beta? I tried the beta and the detailed shadows were still wonky at that point.
    1. erosoro
      • premium
      • 251 kudos
      Nope, its still beta and shadows still flicker sometimes. I remember Alenet saying he had done nice progress in it and would release it soon after Oblivion reloaded 8