Fallout New Vegas
How Does This Work Again

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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. reveccamorikava
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Aw great to see and hear from you, Brig and Mona *smiles* Surely missed you.
    Phew! Thats still great it only killed the power supply and not the harddrive. Cheers for the new gaming rig.
    Doing very fine here, freshly back from vacation at the other side of the world.
    When I returned to NV a few months ago I felt more noobie with everything than ever before, like learning from the scratch.
    Good I still had your messages saved, they helped me a lot getting along with the Geck (:
    I'll check out mediafire and imgur as well, sounds so much better than flickr!
    (just going to send you a few nice mods at gunetwork you may missed and like:)
    I can remember this pack of lenses was pretty cool but hidden atm, maybe you still can see tho.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Heya Revvy, great to hear from you and thanks!
      Since the old hard drive wasn't fried, like I feared it was, I still have access to my old installation of the game, it's just tedious and annoying to track down what files are important and what I don't need to copy. I hear ya on feeling like a noob again - some things I just started doing again reflexively like riding a bike and others took me hours to figure out how to do them again.

      Regarding MediaFire, I've since learned that new accounts get "only" 10 gigs to start or something like that. I'm not sure how I got more than that and can only guess I've got some kind of grandfather allowance or something. I'm certainly not complaining, but don't want to misrepresent things. Sounds like you had one heck of a vacation!
    2. reveccamorikava
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      So great to hear from you too! It's been a great vacation time, many thanks Brig!
      I'll surely do my readings before register anywhere.
      Just very nice to get aware of some alternatives since my flickr will be full pretty soon.
      At this point I wonder how I relearned all the stuff in this game so fast without effort..
      Mostly worked out by itself while I had funs, yes some like bike riding^^ I'm glad to have my NV completely reinstalled.
      Was just a buggy mess back there in the past I didn't really had such stuff that were important.
      Gladly your files are still there, even you got to track em down

    3. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      As the saying goes, it's like riding a bicycle. That means that we remember actions and motions by reflex.
  2. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 231 kudos
    It's so uncanny seeing you post again.. I literally jumped up in my seat when I saw the notification. I'm not sure what it is, but lately I've wanted so badly to get back into this mess and I was thinking of all the characters I followed and all their untold stories that never got finished. I've actually just started lurking around here again and reading some of the old stories.. It's made me so nostalgic, so I'm beyond happy to see this. You and Mona will always have a special place in my life, and I am here for it if you're starting this back up.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos

      Hey you! I um... well ... gosh, thank you! I'm over the moon hearing from you, just feeling inadequate at expressing it right now. You, your help, and your encouragement are directly responsible for a lot of the old stories being posted and I don't think I can ever sufficiently thank you for any of it.

      What, me start back up? I distinctly remember much higher quality product coming out of Sheridwen Studios than I could ever dream of creating. I was telling FBC on Steam I wasn't even planning on installing any pose mods, but it's you so... Maybe it is time to turn the key again and see what happens. You know a lot more of the untold stories than anyone else does by several country miles, it would be cruel and unusual to leave you hanging, right?

      I guess I'd better get cracking, I've got a game to rebuild.

      Hey MM! Please give Ve and Sheri tons of hugs for me! Sounds like you may see more of me in the near future!
  3. gunslinger6792
    • supporter
    • 59 kudos
    Romana looks good as ever and welcome back!
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Hey GS, how goes it? Good to see you!
  4. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    YAY!!! <Happy dance> it is fantastic to see ya here again Brig, and even better to see the lovely Mona of course. How are ya Mona? Good I hope, feel free to stick around for a bit. Ammo's on me for the range time, and I'll even spring for a brew or 10 to wind down with afterwords.

    Was talking with a certain furry cat the other night and we were both missing the both of you, so welcome back!!!
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Hey Dave, how's it going? Great to hear from you!

      Thanks Dave, y'always knew what to say to make a gal feel welcome!
  5. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    Imgur is a good alternative to Flickr, they're not compressing the hell out of hosted images any more, I've been using it for embedded supporters images, it saves working around Flickr's nonsense with embedding Restricted images.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Cool, good to know I've got options. Thanks!

      I could be remembering wrong, but I thought we could put spoiler tags in image descriptions. When I tried to put the images here in spoilers for ease of navigation it didn't work. Am I just remembering wrong?
    2. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 462 kudos
      I've never used them so I'm not sure how they work, they do though because I've seen them in mod descriptions.
    3. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Darned if I can't get it to work, but it's not for lack of trying. Not the end of the world, though.
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Oh psshaaww! I'd never say anything's missing -- just you and Mona. It's so good to hear from you and see Mona again. Yay!!
    I'll agree with Jim, I switched to imgur after Flickr shot themselves in the foot.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you, that's very kind of you to say and well said to boot!

      Still, images are better with bubbles! I'll at least get them working again and see if I still feel that way.
  7. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Garrett tips his hat: Howdy Mona. I sure am happy to see ya again in these parts. And if ya don't mind me saying so, I think ya look damn fine. I just hope that Master Brigand will allow ya to stay for a spell or two. Fist brew's on me - if not that dastardly cat's already been there....... Not so sure about the last. Ah'll probably be asleepin' then. Can't hold ma liquor so good no more
    Good to see you back again Brigand. And nice of you to bring Mona along. Quite the story but it seems as if it ended well - after all Definitely looking forward to seeing what Mona is up to now
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks you two, it's good to be here!

      It's interesting, trying to remember how to do stuff. Some things I do without thinking and then ask myself how I did them, like taking screenshots. Other things, have me scratching my head until I remember, like a jean texture that shows up in Nifskope, but not in game - It took me a few hours to remember I could apply an alpha mask to it to make the texture appear. Why it was like that, considering it was fine before, I'll never know. At least it works now.

  8. TheFo3fan
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Welcome back!
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you very much!
  9. Sidzej
    • supporter
    • 93 kudos
    Splendid! It's always great to see veteran screen archers coming back to FNV side
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Heyo Sidzej, great to see you! I hope you've been well.
  10. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    *cat runs around in manic excitement* Yay!!!! Fantastic to you and Mona here again!!!! Wonderful looking shots of Mona, too!
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks Cat! Thanks for your encouragement through it all.