Fallout New Vegas
Less heroics and a little more Nerd

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  1. NevadaVaultDweller
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    where is this hair from? it looks great!
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      Oh, that's from the KS Hairdos from Skyrim. I ported it over for my courier.
  2. Kiwismods
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Making characters more unique in appearance is always good, he looks nice! Also is it just me or does the shape of his face seem.... familiar?
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      Lol, yeah it's still very familiar. I'm not use to using the creation software for sculpting heads. It seems like no matter what feature you change, it always looks just like every other character in the game. I'll probably give up in a few days end up sculpting it in something like 3ds as I did for my courier. I just didn't want to have to make tri files. If I hadn't gone through the trouble to give him extra dialogues, I never would have even started any of this. But I already opened that can of worms.

      ** Oddly enough, he doesn't even look like this in Geck. He looks more 1950s masculine. So that's a learning curve I need to master still- getting the same result in game.
    2. Kiwismods
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      Ya I know the feeling. I'm a stickler for consistency in how my npcs look since I use fco and I once in a while try to change npcs from mods into decent looking fco equivalents (sometimes it comes out good, other times it comes out awful and i have to basically change the entire face to make them look somewhat human). I've tried doing the same for my courier as well but honestly got lazy and was unable to make something that didnt look like most of the other female npcs or a mutant so I just use the mannequin race with some custom meshes since it comes with its own textures and look and still fits in with vanilla or fco. Making good faces is hard. :)
    3. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      I feel your pain. If only FNV had the same setup as Skyrim. The great part about making an external sculpt for a courier is you do not need tri files or all that egm and egt junk. This is really why I'm not anxious to move out of Geck to tweak him.