Fallout New Vegas
Space Cadet

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  1. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Love how Rita has been brought to life
  2. theDemonJackal
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    That is amazing! I want that outfit. Very good work
  3. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,782 kudos
    Fallout new vegas won't display normalmaps unless you're getting hit by direct sunlight.

    Also in vegas it's okay to paint shadows and details on the texture(like fake folds,and fake gloss)...because ambient occlusion (even the enb one) is very bad,envmaps rarely work as intended,and just either wont GLow or will glow too much depending on the light...

    it's a shame that they made skyrim special editioninstead of new vegas " as it should have been" in the first release...i get it time and money,but skyrim wasn't that bad as in graphics...
    1. vicioussarr
      • supporter
      • 300 kudos
      Yeah, I'm not particularly happy about how limiting the texture maps are in this game. I like how in Skyrim I can use all five of my preferred map choices and tweak their strengths. This whole shine map is used as your specular deal in fallout doesn't sit well with me. It's killing my techniques for adding additional colour saturation. And I did notice that my environmental had nearly no effect. I had the make my diffuse a medium to dark grey just to have a white dress and in some lighting it still is too white. But as far as normal mapping I'm actually having the opposite issue of what you described. In direct light my normal maps do not translate the fabric folds and makes the shadows I painted flat. In indirect lighting, however, the paint and normal have form. I'm giving it one more overhaul as far as the skirt texturing and if it flops, I'll just sculpt the folds as actually 3d detail like I did on my other dresses. Which is going to kill the pencil skirt style I was going for.

      The SSE thing is beyond irritating. Maybe I wouldn't have minded so much if they had gone the extra mile and fixed the very famous bugs the game has that they are bent on never addressing. But they didn't do much of anything except bank off of what modders had already corrected with their enbs, enhanced textures and so on. I would love to see FNV, Morrowind and Oblivion updated. Maybe even FO3 as well. I mean, it would definitely be nice to have the intuitive texturing, scripting and all around creation system of Skyrim for this game. I feel like I'm trying to teach a caveman to walk upright.
    2. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,782 kudos
      im all down for replaying oblivion...but I'm honestly afraid how they'll f*#@ it up,and who knows maybe go down and change the gameplay ala skyrim... -.-

      Mh i'm not sure but the normalmap behaviour maybe i remember it wrong...but i'm sure there's a good side and a bad side...so i try to keep normalmaps as less detailed as possible,to avoid the issue,which may be annoying ingame.

      My friend always used this one:
      it's supposed to work with metal,but doesnt hurt on lattex maybe?
      This's a pic,the goggles were envmapped,if you wanna see the files,just give me a shout
  4. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,486 kudos
  5. Sebastjin
    • premium
    • 88 kudos

    Maybe with red shoes to make it pop.
  6. TheWilloughbian
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Looks great.