Fallout New Vegas
One For My Baby

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I probably should explain a bit since not everyone has played Fallout New Vegas. Boone is the main character in these images. He is a sniper and a potential companion. He presents the player with a quest called "One for my Baby." Boone is a guard for the town of Novac and spends his nights in the mouth of Dinky, a large dinosaur statue, watching the roads into town. You see Boone in the dinosaur's mouth in the last image. It would be a big spoiler to say what he is doing at that moment.

    Boone is a tormented soul, first because he lost his wife, Carla, to slavers, but second because he himself actually killed her. Boone tracked down the Legion slavers who bought his wife and found them holding her hostage. There were too many of them for Boone to attack by himself. He couldn't bear the thought of Catla becoming a slave to these Legion pigs. So he shot her himself rather than see her live a life of torture and debauchery at their hands. At the end of the quest he shoots Jeannie May, the woman who sold his wife into slavery to the Legion. Hence the last image with the sniper rifle. The song deals with the trauma of a man who is living through the mental anguish of dealing with the loss of his love.

    (I suppose, I could add a third source of his torment: Boone was a party to the Bitter Springs massacre where dozens of women and children were killed by his NCR sniper unit.)

    @ Lee - Yep, if he wasn't such a depressed brooding character, you'd say he's just a hard hitting soldier. Drinking half the day and fighting the other half.

    @ janswin - Thanks. The song is the title of the quest, of course. So, I thought I'd try to interpret it in the Fallout environment and Boone's situation.And Boone is as bad as Hamlet when it comes to melancholic brooding. I think the background in the bar fit that mood pretty well. (Lots of flowers still in bloom here and more butterflies than I've ever seen in the fall. )

    @ Karna - Thanks. As you know, I usually post fairly vivid pictures with a lot of color. I thought I'd try something different here to set the mood. setfog 1 800, and remove most of the green that is prevalent in FNV.

    @ jim - Thank you, sir.

    @ Heaventhere - Thanks. I know that Boone is the brunt of a lot of jokes here on the image share, and maybe that's because he is such a sour puss. But he did have his reasons.

    @ IHeart - Thank you. I noticed that the link back to the Old Layout has been removed when you are viewing from the New Layout. I guess they are about to phase it out. I sure wish they would make some changes to the new format first.

    @ Bernt - Thanks. Single Malt -- I knew I was missing something. Well, you enjoy it, my friend.

    Grrrrr. You have to click the stupid emoticon box every time you edit a post.
  2. reveccamorikava
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Very cool strip and nice idea. The tune goes so well with it. I much like the shifty smile on Joes face.
  3. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 213 kudos
    I have to say, I wasn't expecting this! He was one of my favorite characters in FNV, was nice seeing him in a fresh setting. Thanks for posting the song as well!
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    This was terrific, Laird!

  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Yep - That's Boone allright....... He's a tragic character. Great shots and choice of music here. Fits his story well. Might add that it goes well with a single malt too.....
  6. IheartRunningman
    • member
    • 219 kudos
    They do look alot better in the new layout. Very good set of images to go with the song!!
  7. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    I really did enjoy that quest of Boone, he is a wounded soul. Great song and great story to go with it the shots really did fit and if you know the story behind Boone, they fit even better. :)
  8. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    Good stuff.
  9. Karna5
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    Superb framing and style, Cormell. Again you have given life and magic to photos
  10. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Very nice set,.. music, obviously, fits right in. Love that atmosphere the whole set is in,..
    Fits these dreary november days over here,..
  11. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Day in a bar - night in a dinosaur B)
    Great set! ^_^