New Spore Plant Body Parts

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  1. DarthFANt0M
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Are you planning to change throwing goo for darts?
    1. KiCHo666
      • supporter
      • 585 kudos
      Like in FO2?

      Not really. It makes more sense to me that plant uses spit rather than darts as a ranged attack.
  2. Relstin
    • supporter
    • 48 kudos
    What would happen if you cripple these new parts?
    1. KiCHo666
      • supporter
      • 585 kudos
      Crippling leaves or the pod won't do anything since Spore plant doesn't attack with leaves nor it can move. Crippling the sack in the mouth will frenzy it, Jaw is marked as a head and Stalk is torso and crippling those will result in the usual effects.

      It's mostly visual to be honest.