Fallout New Vegas

Excerpt from v4.01 Readme:

You're quite possibly as surprised to read this as I am in writing it. I don't know how, but word of my intent to update and support CaliberX reached the ears of one of the authors who contacted the appropriate Nexus staff member(s) to let me make it legitimate.

"So now it officially passes to you to lovingly maintain, as only you could possibly do."

These are version specific notes that serve as more of a foreword. For detailed credits and thanks form other authors, please see the

I would like to thank FluidFire and Earache42 for all I've learned from them in the development of Caliber and CaliberX as well as all the other modders and artists across the Internet at the Nexus and other places. Thanks for sharing your time and talent with the world. You inspire me daily.

Without any further ado...

Change log, CaliberX 4.01

Version 4.x vision: To bring CaliberX in line with the DLC's as a basis of moving forward from instead of falling back to. The biggest call for support is from NEW modders and players with new games. That being said, from here on CaliberX will assume users have all the official DLC's. The previous versions of CaliberX will work just fine for those who don't. Users of previous versions of CaliberX will probably want to update before starting a new game, but not during an existing game. Those who have not used CaliberX before can install it on top of an existing game without a problem. using this update makes the previous Honest Hearts and GunRunner's Arsenal patches unecessary. You may delete them after backing up your old ESM and putting this new one it its place.

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