Fallout New Vegas

Preserving Someguy's vision is of utmost importance to our team. Failure to do so would be an affront and entirely disrespectful to Someguy2000 and something we refuse to do. There will be no rewrites, no balance changes (outside perhaps adding some items necessary to complete a quest without becoming stuck in a death loop), no added encounters, except maybe an Easter egg or two, et cetera. We will make a few enhancements that we know will fit, that were intended but not implemented, or that doesn't affect anything except visually. We will recast characters with terrible audio/acting in order to maintain a minimum level of quality. Our selection process is very stringent. Any new actor cast must fit the character and follow strict directions. We have sought out the original voice actors such as DadBitterBatter (voice of Ford, Javier Sugar, and Vasquez, to name a few) and Reebdog (voice of Doc Friday, Bradley, and Sergio) when at all possible as their characters would feel wrong to be revoiced by someone else and they are high-quality actors. In Esther's case, we could not contact the original VA to voice missing lines. She ended up being recast by someone who we feel is better than the original actress while maintaining an English accent, so as to keep her "Mary Poppins" like established character.

There is no other "fix/tweak" mod required. Why would we go to the trouble of all this without addressing those issues and more?

As for subjective changes to balance, story, characters, and other things, no we will not be including such things. We're interested in the mods not crashing, having game/quest breaking bugs, typos, errors, missing assets/maps/dialogue/voice acting/LOD, broken meshes, and/or any other technical issues.

If you have a technical issue to report, by all means, do so, we enjoy it when people are able to find the bugs we miss.

We want you to be able to enjoy his work in the best condition possible, whilst remaining true to his vision. Someguy2000 is considered a Legend, and for good reason.
You should have some respect. He inspired us and many others to make mods that you enjoy, you don't have to like everything, no one asked you to.

If you have a complaint about characters or story or balance, save it. Make your own mods in the style you wish and save yourself and us, the grief. Thank you.

- Someteam2000

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