Fallout New Vegas

While we wait for the 3.3 update for TTW to drop, here is changelog for the 2.0 update to Rebuild the Capital that will be released hopefully not long after 3.3 drops. No ETA at the moment for when this update will come out since it is dependent on 3.3 coming out first. Some of what is listed might be subject to change and the final changelog might be longer.

-You can now call in a vertibird for reinforcements or transport. Must first invest in all the Vertibird upgrades in the Base Upgrades Investment menu
-Removed the armor from the Classic Enclave Power Armor mod and replaced it with the Enclave Power Armor from the Vanilla game. The BOS and Dornan variants  have their own textures.
-Hot Head should now finally be purchasable at Grayditch. No I idea why it's taken this long for me to get it right.
-Smarts and Muttface were supposed to arrive in Vernon Town if you side with Washington and you peacefully completed their objective during Operation Ugly. Now they should actually arrive.
-Gave Smarts glasses to show he is smart
-New outfit and helmet for lancers
-Replaced the Perk A Healthy Mind with a Fearless Mind. Rather than giving a flat increase in health, you can gain +10 health when in combat with a selected enemy type.
-Added the quest Operation Detention. Can be started after you invest in Megaton and The Forge.
-Added a reference flag to should make sure NPCs don't loot dead quest bosses. This will make sure you can grab their unique weapons or armor without NPCs stealing them off their corpse.
-Changed the cost of Victory Magazines from 10 to 30 caps.
-If you have The Victory Post perk, you can choose to cancel your subscription to Victory Post magazine using the terminal in your player home, stopping them from appearing your safe. You can also resume the subscription.
-Redid the Brotherhood Beret
-Hothead should no longer explode on death, allowing you to pick him up and take him back to Grayditch for repairs
-New model and texture for the laser repeater. Also slightly increased fire rate
-Reduced the number of enemies at Alexandria Arms during the quest "Guns Over Butter"
-After completing the quest Guns Over Butter and choosing which Rifle Production Plan to invest in, you can name the rifle.
-For the sake of consistency, any NPC that uses my mods Brotherhood t51b which were added in FO3 version will now use the vanilla BOS T51b power armor.
-You can buy the Old T5-1b (now named Eastern Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor) at the Castle Lyon's Armory. Sentinel Rosa will also keep wearing this power armor, at least in the beginning. I couldn't bring myself to remove my first custom texture from my first custom npc.
-Should you complete the main quests in the Mojave, you can sign a treaty between the faction you sided with and the BOS. At the moment, this doesn't do anything beside allowing you to recruit a unit representing their faction into a squad. Obviously you will need FPGE to access this content.
-Added Casdin's Turn in Technology options to the Depository Box. You can now turn in the tech you would normally turn into him from the comfort of your home and even do so if Casdin is dead. Also allows you to turn in the power armor and tech added by the mod so now you can turn those in for rewards.
-Moved the book "Wealth of Nations" to an easier to locate and much more logical spot.
-The Books for Fuller's quest now have a unique texture that should hopefully make them easier to find.
-After establishing Castle Lyons, you will receive notifications after completing some quests letting you know you've unlocked investments.
-After selecting "Work a Week at the Office" you can now choose what you want to focus working on (Improving faction relations or working on tax efficiency)
-After you invest in the Pitt, fast travel is disabled in the Steel yard in order to deal with the fast travel bug.
-Mod interiors should now have music
-Added a much requested Field Marshall's Uniform. Can be purchased as a home upgraded and decorated with medals earned by completing Brotherhood campaigns.
-The map marker "Citadel Vertibirds" has been renamed to "Vertibird to Castle Lyons." Clicking on this map marker will take you directly to Castle Lyons.
-You can purchase Skyrim-esq weapon displays for the Field Marshall's quarters. You can place any small arms or melee weapon onto the displays. Compatible with weapons from other mods.
      +One thing to note is that some guns that have unique textures may not display those unique textures when on the display.
      +This is due to a scripting limitation regarding Texture Sets
-Added Skyrim-esq Mannequins to the Field Marshall's Quarters which can be purchased
-New models for the European Rifle, Commando, Chinese Submachine Gun, and fixed some issues with the Allies Rifle.
-New model for the Columbia Rifle
-New model for the Twin Eagle Laser Pistol found in Alpha Bunker
-Redid the weapons from the Grayditch Recruitment Terminal
-Changed model of the Recon Rifle
-Before you can deposit books and holotags into the depository, you must first speak to Scribe Jameson and Scribe Yearling respectively.
-You won't receive the message regarding holotags until after you have spoken to Scribe Jameson about collecting holotags for her
-All of my mod's unmarked quests are now organized into a quest called "Field Marshall's Journal."
-Worker's Might is now a hammer instead of a tireiron
-Unique Model for the Junkie Sword
-New model and weapon effect for the Hole Puncher
-New model and weapon effect for the Rad-Rifle
-New model and weapon effect for Grognak's Axe
-New weapon "A Rotten Gun" found on an enemy during Operation Rot
-New texture for Gamma Combat Armor
-Reworked the book display perk "From to Steel Dirt" to be a bit more interesting. Now you can harvest extra produce from pickable plants if you choose this perk.
-Also reworked "Lyons' Exegesis." When selected, your reputation changes with the Traditionalist and Reformist faction have a increase and decrease bonus of 25%.
-New Texture for Washington's Cannon
-New model for the Plasma Cannon
-Radio and Hot-Head now use the same audio template as EDE which means their idle and movement sounds won't be insanely loud any more
-If you are in the Mojave, Radio can tune into Mojave Music Radio and Radio New Vegas.
-Companions added in my mod can now be sent to the Lucky 38.
-The Super Duper Trade Post has some QOL fixes and additions
      +You can now play blackjack or "roulette" at the trade post
      +After investing in the Super Duper Mart, the map marker is renamed "Super Duper Trade Post"
-Added Joe Porter, the Super Duper Trade Post Cook, and the Rockopolis merchants to list of merchants you try to sell cigarettes to during the quest Grand Dominion Smokes
-Overhauled the Taxation System:
      +Greatly reduced the amount of caps collected
      +Military Investments and other military decisions cost a small amount of weekly upkeep
      +Added Taxation Efficiency that also influences how many caps are collected in taxes
      +The player no longer has direct access to the taxes. Instead, taxes are deposited into a budget that is used to pay for investments and upkeep
      +If you want the player to earn some money from taxes, then you can enable it in the config
      +Yeoman Expeditions are also played for using caps from the budget
      +The player can donate caps to the increase the size of the budget (located in the Budget and Operations on the Command Terminal)
-Changed Personal Investment Opportunities
      +In past versions, the money made from caravan investments at the Super Duper Trade Post or Grand Dominion Smokes were included in the amount taxes earned every week
      +Personal Investments are now separate from taxes and your weekly investment dividends can be accessed in the personal safe next to the desk in the Quarter's bedroom.
      +You can track your investments using the Financial Portfolio menu in your Home Terminal found in the Field Marshall's Quarters
      +Other investment opportunities have been added and more are planned to allow the player to passively earn caps
-You can purchase a Uplink Terminal for your suite at the Lucky 38
-The Investment Rewards and the Victory Post Magazine Collection can now be tracked as challenges
-Overhauled the "Field Marshall's Sidearm" that is rewarded after investing in 10 military projects
      +You can now choose what kind of sidearm you want (Energy, Gun, Melee)
      +Through killing enemies with your sidearm you can level up the Sidearms stats like its base damage or crit. chance (this is tracked via a challenge)
      +You can rename your sidearm
-New texture for the Infantry Rifle
-Livened up Castle Lyons with new NPCs and vertibirds
-Fixes to the Mongrel Power Armor as well as some mesh and texture adjustments
-Renamed Shipping Crate to Caravan Crate
-Redid the Vertibird Storage System
      +After purchasing it, a Vertibird Home Crate can be found in the Field Marshall's Quarters. This Crate Allows you to connect to the Vertibird Storage and send and receive items
      +You can also ship the contents of the Vertibird Storage to your Caravan Crate or to a Capital Express Drop Box
      +Vertibird Storage can also be accessed via the uplink terminals that can be purchased for player homes
-Redid the scripting for the Capital Express Shipping Crates
      +If purchased, you can ship items to the Vertibird Storage
-Temporarily removed the ability to invest in the Regulators. More Brotherhood & Regulator interactions are planned for a future update.
-Reworked the Command Terminal
      +Now uses a scripted menu rather than the normal terminal interface which allows for more functionality
      +Should be a lot more intuitive
      +Notifies when new investments are available
-Small changes to Traditionalist and Reformist Reputations
      +If your reputation with the Traditionalist faction is too low, military investments are 25% more expensive
      +If your reputation with the Reformist faction is too low, civilian investments are 25% more expensive
      +The event regarding "missing red paint" now occurs when your reputation with the Traditionalist faction is -100 or lower
-Added a config ini which includes the following options
      +a price multiplier for the investment costs
      +a GNR addon which adds lines for Three Dog related to Grand Dominion Smokes and investing in the GNR station. This was done using xVASynth by DanRuta. I'm still figuring out the program so the quality is hit or miss, and therefore this is turned off by default
      +Option to donate caps, based off the "Water Beggar" system in vanilla, to charities that can increase your reputation with the Reformist Faction or the Traditionalist Faction, or charities that raise or lower your karma.It felt kind of gimmicky so its disabled by default. If enabled, the menu is on your Home Terminal in the Field Marshall's Quarters
      +Settings for the Squad Management System include squad size and hotkeys
      +Turn the Capital Express Dropboxes into Universal Storage Containers
      +Other misc. settings
-New Investment: The Vree Research Academy
      +Unlocked after Completing Operation Ugly
      +Turns Roosevelt Academy into large research campus for Scribes
      +lots of new interiors, npcs, weapons, and side quests
      +Reincorporates the experimental weapons unlocked from Scribe R&D upgrade that was removed in the last update. Now these weapons can be unlocked by helping Scribes with their research
-During Operation Ugly, Grognak, Sarge, and Bonecrusher have been given their own interior for you to fight them in
-Built in support for Tenpenny Tower Quest - Redux/TTW Gameplay Merge
      +This means if you use that mod to prevent the massacre after integrating the ghouls, you can invest in Tenpenny Tower
-You can fund a Yeoman Expedition to Dallas, Texas
-Added a short unmarked quest that can be started in Grayditch after investing in the settlement
-Investing in locations may result in them being renamed and/or having their map marker change to a custom icon
    +For some locations, you can type in a custom name (i.e. you can chose to rename Fort Independence to Fort Three Dog or anything else)
-Complete Rework of the Squad System
    +The system is now based on my Mojave Squads mod
    +You can mix n' match squads with different soldiers
    +Some soldiers come with perks that increase the effectiveness of your squad (i.e. Knight-Sergeant increase the crit. damage of Knights in your squad)
    +Some soldiers come special abilities (campfire crafting, lockpicking, hacking, etc.)
    +Soldiers can be issued individual commands (follow, hold, attack, move to position)
    +Soldiers earn xp and can be leveled up
    +Soldier are given random names using info from the U.S. Census Bureau's database of most common first and last names during the 1950 census (i.e. Knight Henry, Footman Jackson, Scribe Wilson, etc.)
    +hotkeys for easy squad management
    +System is completely customizable using the config file (you can determine the squad size, whether soldiers cost caps, etc.)
    +it should also be much more stable and functional than the previous system
-You can take over Alpha Bunker after completing Operation Fallen Eagle
-Convincing Ashur and Casdin to join the Brotherhood should now be a bit more difficult
-If you side with Hannibal during the quest Head of State, and then establish a military outpost at the Lincoln Memorial, you will now eventually receive a message from Hannibal asking you to remove troops from the memorial so he can turn it into a settlement.
-Ingredients used for the Drug Synthesizer and the Food Processor are now only accessible when crafting.
-Added recruitable Medics
    +Unlocked after investing in the "Doctor's Office" base upgrade
-Added brief intro video when arriving to Castle Lyons (made using xVASynth2)
-Investing in the "Robotics Foundry" now adds an actual robot factory to Castle Lyons
-Made two more propaganda posters
-You can establish a farming settlement at Clifftop Shacks
-Added option to invest in the Germantown Police Station and turn it into a Brotherhood outpost
    +Unlocks Yeoman who are equipped with Riot Armor
    +Comes with a Quest to take over Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
-Added option to invest in the WKML Broadcast station
-Added a small patrol to the taft tunnels after you invest in the Citadel
-Added option to add Brotherhood checkpoints to a few metro stations
-The terminal in the Field Marshall's Terminal allows you to type in a journal
-Integrated support for B42 project, including have the descriptions appear when looking at weapons mounted on displays or armors on mannequins
-After convincing the AntAgonizer to leave Canterbury Commons (or killing her), you can build a mine in her old lair
-After investing in Eyebot Patrols, most Enclave eyebots will be removed and replaced with Brotherhood Eyebots
-Option to occupy the Abandoned Car Fort
-Integrated support for ySI
-Integrated support for the SUPDateChecker
-Other misc changes, bug fixes, and additions

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  1. SableAura751
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can't wait. There is just something about bringing life back to DC that I love. It's honestly to the point where I'm anticipating this mod way more than TTW 3.3.
  2. AtomicTEM
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    I'm guessing all this will not be released for the Fallout 3 version, correct?
    1. SableAura751
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I believe he said he is no longer working on the Fallout 3 version. It is just the TTW version from now on.