Fallout New Vegas

; First, The name of these variables are exactly the same as the ones in the Quest 'UCNQuestVariables'. So if you need more info about how they affect the game, just open the plugin in a text editor and search for the variable.
; As of (v 8.0.0), these variables are inside only one Quest 'UCNQuestVariables'. That means that if they are included in other INI files ('Options.ini', for example), they will be changed.
; Some features consume SuitEnergy, others AuxPowerSupply. When writing this article, i used the words SuitEnergy or AuxPowerSuppply when describing such features, because that's their source of power by default, but that can be changed.
; Variables which represent a percentage will always range from [0,1].
; As of v9.0, some values have been changed.
; These variables control the availability of such functions. The first 6 variables will display a red circle in the Radial Menu if not available.
bClkAvailable = 1.0000 
bMArAvailable = 1.0000
bMSpAvailable = 1.0000
bMStAvailable = 1.0000
bVisorAvailable = 1.0000
bVisionAvailable = 1.0000
bSprintAvailable = 1.0000
bPowerJumpAvailable = 1.0000
bPowerMeleeAvailable = 1.0000
bPowerThrowAvailable = 1.0000
bAirStompAvailable = 0.0000
bWaterBreathingAvailable = 1.0000
; If set to one, all Damage Threshold that the player has will be removed while wearing the suit. This makes the suit less powerful, especially when encountering DeathClaws
iNoArmorDT = 1.0000
; If set to one, all Damage Resistance that the player has will be removed while wearing the suit. This makes the suit less powerful, especially when encountering DeathClaws
iNoArmorDR = 1.0000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when throwing while in Water. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergyThrowIsInWaterFactor = 1.2000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing melee atacks while in Water. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergyMeleeIsInWaterFactor = 1.1000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing a Power Jump while in Water. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergyJumpIsInWaterFactor = 1.4000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing a Power Jump while over emcumbered. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergyJumpOverEmcumberedFactor = 1.6000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing a sprint while swimming. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergySprintSwimmingFactor = 1.6000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing a sprint while over emcumbered. (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergySprintOverEmcumberedFactor = 1.5000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when performing a sprint while in partially submerged in water (wading\swimming\diving). (Factor * MaxEnergy)
fConsumeEnergySprintIsInWaterFactor = 1.4000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is recharged (iSuitStatus = 2). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. The suit is recharging when the Suit Energy is completely depleted (Nanosuit 2 and 3 only).
fSuitRechargingTimer = 2.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is deactivated\unequipped (iSuitStatus = 0). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen.
fSuitDeactivatingTimer = 2.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit completely initializes (iSuitStatus = 4). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. The suit initializes only once when the player equips the armor for the first time.
fSuitInitializingTimer = 4.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is online (iSuitStatus = 1). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state is set after the suit finishes recharging\rebooting.
fSuitOnlineTimer = 1.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit starts rebooting (iSuitStatus = -1). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state is set after an EMP explosion\hit. Weapons that have EMP object effects or explosions are included in the folders 'Form Lists\EMP Explosions' and 'Form Lists\EMP Obejct Effects'
fSuitOfflineTimer = 60.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is online again (iSuitStatus = 3). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state is set after the player equipped the suit (not for the first time) or after the suit being offline.
fSuitRebootingTimer = 3.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is online or when starts rebooting (iSuitStatus = 6). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state is set after the player equipped an energy source (if it requires one). If the player has the suit equippped with no energy source in the inventory, the suit is set to 'EnergySourceNotDetected' state (iSuitStatus = 5)
fSuitEnergyDetectedTimer = 3.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is online again (iSuitStatus = 7). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state was implemented, but it is not currently used in the mod (v8.0.0).
fSuitUpdatingTimer = 3.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit is online again (iSuitStatus = -3). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state was implemented, but it is not currently used in the mod (v8.0.0).
fSuitCoolingDownTimer = 3.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit starts cooling down again (iSuitStatus = -2). This controls how long the UI message is displayed in the screen. This state was implemented, but it is not currently used in the mod (v8.0.0).
fSuitOverheatedTimer = 3.0000
; Multiplier factor that control the usage of Suit Energy when the player is hit by and EMP Object Effect\Explosion. (Factor * MaxEnergy) 0 <= Factor <= 1. If this variable is more than one, it will be set to 1 internally.
fConsumeEnergyHitEMP = 1.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit removes any poison again.
fPoisonRemovalTimer = 300.0000
; Amount of time to wait until the suit restores crippled limbs again.
fRestoreCrippledLimbsTimer = 90.0000
; The ammount of health recovered when there is not enough suit energy to recover all health lost. fHealthRecovered = fHealthRecoveryDamageHealthRatio * (fEnergySource / fEnergySourceCost) * fHealthLost.
fHealthRecoveryDamageHealthRatio = 1.0000
; These variables controls how far the AI will detect the player when in Cloak mode. These are only used by the Quest 'UCNQuestClkCamouflage' if 'iImprovedCamouflage' is non-zero.
fClkDetectionMaxDistStandUp = 400.0000
fClkDetectionMaxDistSneak = 350.0000
fClkDetectionMinDistStandUp = 200.0000
fClkDetectionMinDistSneak = 140.0000
; The ammout of Suit Energy restored when the player kills any NPC (friend\enemy, no matter). (Factor * MaxEnergy) 0 <= Factor <= 1. If this variable is more than one, it will be set to 1 internally.
fKillEnergyRewardConst = 0.0000
; The ammout of Action Points restored when the player kills any NPC (friend\enemy, no matter). (Factor * MaxEnergy) 0 <= Factor <= 1. If this variable is more than one, it will be set to 1 internally.
fPlayerKillAPReward = 0.0000
; (v 8.0.0) Variable not used.
fDmgActorPerkMult = 1.0000
; The maximum height reached when performing a Power Jump with enough Suit Energy. Enough Suit Energy means more than (fConsumeEnergyJumpMult or fConsumeEnergyJumpClkMult or fConsumeEnergyJumpMArMult) * 100, depending if the player is Cloaked\Armored or not Cloked nor Armored.
fJumpHeightMax = 400.0000
fHealthRegenerationTimer = 5.0000
; When set to non-zero, if the player has the Visor and NightVision\NanoVision toggled on, the suit will not drain the same energy source (SuitEnergy or AuxPowerSupply) twice.
bIgnoreDrainageWhenVisorAndVisionOn = 0.0000
; When set to non-zero, if the player has the 'Stamina Mod', the suit will drain Stamina instead of Suit Energy.
bSprintConsumesStamina = 0.0000
; The type of energy to consume when the player uses theses features. (0 - Nothing is consumed; 1 - Suit Energy; 2 - Suit Aux Power Supply; 3 - a timer countdown runs)
iClkEnergySource = 1.0000
iMArEnergySource = 1.0000
iPowerJumpEnergySource = 1.0000
iPowerThrowEnergySource = 1.0000
iPowerMeleeEnergySource = 1.0000
iSprintEnergySource = 1.0000
iWeaponStabilizationEnergySource = 1.0000
iVisorEnergySource = 2.0000
iNightVisionEnergySource = 2.0000
iWaterBreathingEnergySource = 3.0000
; When set to non-zero, if the player has the OWB Aural Stealth suit equipped as Nanosuit, the scripts will temporarily disable the Old World Blues AuralStealthSuit scripts. This makes the armor less overpowered if it is a Nanosuit
bOverrideOWBAuralStealthSuit = 1.0000
; Set the Weapon Gun Spread when using the Strength Mode (Nanosuit 1 only).
fGunSpreadMult = 0.50000
; Set the limb damage multiplier when hit in Armor Mode.
fLimbDamageMult = 1.0000
; Set the throwing velocity multiplier when using the Power Throw.
fThrowingVelocityMult = 1.5000
; Set the reload speed multiplier. This multiplier is changed when acquiring the Reflex Boost and Weapon Pro Perks.
fReloadSpeedMult = 1.2200
; Set the equip speed multiplier. This multiplier is changed when acquiring the Reflex Boost Perk.
fEquipSpeedMult = 1.2200
; Set the attack speed multiplier. This multiplier is changed when acquiring the Reflex Boost Perk.
fAttackSpeedMult = 1.2200
; Set the move speed multiplier. This multiplier is changed when acquiring the Reflex Boost Perk.
fAimingMoveSpeedMult = 1.2200
; As of v9.4, the Radar has been disabled.
fHUDRadarScale = 0.1000
bRadarCloakedActorsVisible = 0.0000
; These values are applied upon Armor Equip. They are part of an Actor Effect.
iHelmetIncreasedRadiationResistance = 5.0000
iHelmetIncreasedPoisonResistance = 5.0000
iHelmetIncreasedPerception = 1.0000
iArmorIncreasedRadiationResistance = 85.0000
iArmorIncreasedPoisonResistance = 25.0000
; These values are applied upon Armor Mode. They are part of an Actor Effect.
iMArIncreasedEndurance = 1.0000
iMArIncreasedFireResistance = 20.0000
; These values are applied upon Strength Mode. They are part of an Actor Effect.
iMStIncreasedStrength = 1.0000
iMStIncreasedCarryWeight = 100.0000
; These values are applied upon Speed Mode. It is part of an Actor Effect.
iMSpIncreasedAgility = 1.0000
; Rate at which the Radiation will be removed from the player.
fRadiationRadsRegenerationRate = 1.0000
; Cooldown timer which determines how long the routine must wait until the suit starts removing Radiation from the Player.
fRadiationRadsCooldownTimer = 1.0000
; Timer which determines how long the radiation removal procedure takes.
fRadiationRadsRegenerationTimer = 15.0000
; If the player has the First Aid perk, this value determines the magnitude of health being restore per second.
iHealthRegenerationMagnitude = 2.0000
; This value determines whether the suit restores or consume Aux Power Supply.
bSuitAuxPowerDetrimental = 0.0000
; This value determines whether the suit restores or consume Suit Energy.
bSuitEnergyDetrimental = 0.0000
; This value determines the percentage of Suit Energy to be restored after being consumed.
fSuitEnergyToRestoreAfterUse = 1.0000
; This value determines the percentage of Suit Aux Power Supply to be restored after being consumed.
fSuitAuxPowerToRestoreAfterUse = 1.0000
; This value determines if the suit starts regenerating Suit Energy if it is lower than the "fLowSuitEnergyThreshold * 100"
bRestoreThresholdSuitEnergyUnderThreshold = 1.0000
; This value determines if the suit starts regenerating Suit Aux Power Suply if it is lower than the "fLowAuxPowerThreshold * 100"
bRestoreThresholdSuitAuxPowerUnderThreshold = 1.0000
; As of v9.4, variable not used
bVisionModesAffectsVisor = 0.0000
; The percentage of Energy Source to be consumed after a projectile of the types below hits the Player
fConsumeEnergyHitProjContBeam = 0.0000
fConsumeEnergyHitProjFlame = 0.0000
fConsumeEnergyHitProjBeam = 0.0000
fConsumeEnergyHitProjLobber = 0.0000
fConsumeEnergyHitProjMissile = 0.0000
; The percentage of Energy Source to be consumed after the player attacks with a weapon of the types below (0-13).
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType00Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType01Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType02Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType03Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType04Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType05Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType06Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType07Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType08Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType09Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType10Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType11Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType12Mult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkAttackWeapType13Mult = 1.0000
; A Cooldown timer that determines how long the suit must wait until the player starts consuming the vanilla 'Breath meter' while underwater.
fWaterBreathingCoolDownTimer = 5.0000
; Value used to represent the minimum amount of Energy required until the player can use the Power Throw again. This is triggered when the player totally consumes the Energy.
fMinEnergyToRestorePowerThrow = 1.0000
; Sets the minimum amount of 'RadiationRads' that the player has to have to trigger the its removal.
fMinRadiationRadsToStartRegeneration = 600.0000
; Percentage of Energy consumed when the player uses the Power Throw.
fConsumeEnergyThrowMult = 0.3000
; Variables used for the Visor Target Info feature (Color RGB, Brightness, Alpha)
iHUDTargetInfoColorRed = 87
iHUDTargetInfoColorGreen = 119
iHUDTargetInfoColorBlue = 109
iHUDTargetInfoBrightness = 255
iHUDTargetInfoAlpha = 255
; The Ultimate Crysis Pack mod has a clippling issue when summoning the Pop-boy. If this value is non-zero and if the player uses an Armor from that mod, a cloak effect will be used to bypass the problem.
bApplyArmorPatch = 1
; If non-zero, the suit will not consume Energy while sprinting in mid-air.
bIgnoreSprintConsumeWhileInAir =0
; Variable used to determine the minimum amount of distance (relative to the starting point where the player opened the Radial Menu) to display the selection circle.
fMouseRadiusThreshold = 0.7500
; ==================================================================================================================
; If "iNoArmorDT" is non-zero (1, by default), the suit will remove all DT from the player. This makes the suit less powerful.
; If "iNoArmorDR" is non-zero (1, by default), the suit will remove all DR from the player. This makes the suit less powerful.
; ==================================================================================================================
; If "iNoArmorDT" is non-zero, the suit will increase the armor health proportional to the amount of DT that the player has. This value represents the DT proportion.
fArmorHealthDTMult = 0
; If "iNoArmorDT" is non-zero, the suit will increase the armor health proportional to the amount of DR that the player has. This value represents the DR proportion.
fArmorHealthDRMult = 0
; Amount of time to wait until the suit starts regenerating the player's health again. Only used if the player has the First Aid Perk.
iHealthRegenRate = 0
; =================================================================================
; =================================================================================
; ==========================================================
; Values applied when the player equips a Nanosuit 1 armor.
; ==========================================================
; These variables represent the position of the HUD elements on the screen.
fHUDEnergyBarXOffset = 0.8500
fHUDEnergyBarYOffset = 0.8000
fHUDSneakIndicatorXOffset = 0.0952
fHUDSneakIndicatorYOffset = 0.4320
fHUDSuitIndicatorXOffset = 0.8600
fHUDSuitIndicatorYOffset = 0.6400
fHUDSuitAuxPowerXOffset = 0.8500
fHUDSuitAuxPowerYOffset = 0.0900
fHUDTargetInfoXOffset = 0.8063
fHUDTargetInfoYOffset = 0.1604
fHUDDetectionMeterXOffset = 0.1700
fHUDDetectionMeterYOffset = 0.7000
fHUDWeatherInfoXOffset =  0.1150
fHUDWeatherInfoYOffset = 0.1604
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is underwater.
fConsumeEnergyWaterBreathingTimer = 60.0000
; if non-zero, weapons in the exclusion list and weapons types defined by "iMaskAllowFireSilencedWeaponTypeWhileClkd" will not consume Energy when attacking while Cloaked.
bAllowClkWhileFiringStealthWeapon = 0.0000
; A bit Mask used to determine the type of weapons that will not consume Energy when attacking while cloaked.
iMaskAllowFireSilencedWeaponTypeWhileClkd = 0.0000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Maximum Speed Mode and when not sprinting.
fSpeedMultMSpRun = 1.4000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Maximum Speed Mode and when sprinting.
fSpeedMultMSpSprint = 5.0000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Armor Mode and when not sprinting.
fSpeedMultMArRun = 0.90000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Armor Mode and when sprinting.
fSpeedMultMArSprint = 0.9000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Cloak Mode and when not sprinting.
fSpeedMultClkRun = 1.0000
; Value used to change the Player's speed mult if the player is in Cloak Mode and when sprinting.
fSpeedMultClkSprint = 1.0000
; Amount of energy used to determine if whether the Suit Energy is low. The Energy Bar will become red if the Suit Energy is lower or equal to this value.
fLowSuitEnergyThreshold = 0.2000
; Amount of energy used to determine if whether the Aux Power Supply is low. The Aux Power Bar will become red if the Aux Power is lower or equal to this value.
fLowAuxPowerThreshold = 0.2500
; The amount of time elapsed to restore 100% of Suit Energy.
fSuitEnergyRegenerationTimer = 16.6667
; The amount of time elapsed to restore 100% of Suit Aux Power Supply.
fSuitAuxPowerRegenerationTimer = 10.0000
; The amount of time elapsed until the Suit starts regenerationg Suit Energy.
fDelaySuitEnergyRegenTimer = 3.0000
; The amount of time elapsed until the Suit starts regenerationg Suit Aux Power Supply.
fDelaySuitAuxPowerRegenTimer = 3.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is sprinting (not using Armor Mode, nor Cloak Mode).
fConsumeEnergySprintTimer = 2.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked, walking and not crouched.
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkStdUpTimer = 14.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked, walking and crouched.
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkSnkTimer = 54.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked and stands still.
fConsumeEnergyClkStopTimer = 180.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked and sprinting.
fConsumeEnergyClkSprintTimer = 5.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked, running and crouched.
fConsumeEnergyClkRunSneakTimer = 27.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is cloaked, running and not crouched.
fConsumeEnergyClkRunTimer = 10.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored, walking and not crouched.
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkStdUpTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored, walking and crouched.
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkSnkTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored and stands still.
fConsumeEnergyMArStopTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored and sprinting.
fConsumeEnergyMArSprintTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored and not sprinting.
fConsumeEnergyMArRunTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when the player is armored, running and crouched.
fConsumeEnergyMArRunSneakTimer = 0.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when using the Visor.
fConsumeEnergyTacticalVisorTimer = 50.0000
; The amount of time elapsed to consume 100% of Energy when using the Vision Modes.
fConsumeEnergyNightVisionTimer = 50.0000
; The amount of damage inflicted into th Actor when the Power Melee has been used.
fDmgActorPowerMelee = 20.0000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when using the Power Melee.
fConsumeEnergyPowerMeleeMult = 0.2000
; The maximum amount of health damage which the suit can sustain, consuming 100% of Energy.
fArmorHealth = 250.0000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when using the Power Jump (not Cloaked nor Armored).
fConsumeEnergyJumpMult = 0.3500
; The percentage of Energy consumed when using the Power Jump when cloaked.
fConsumeEnergyJumpClkMult = 0.3700
; The percentage of Energy consumed when using the Power Jump when armored.
fConsumeEnergyJumpMArMult = 0.0000
; The minumum Fall Height when in Strength Mode
fFallHeightMinJump = 1189.0000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the player gets hit while cloaked.
fConsumeEnergyClkHitMult = 0.3000
; If non-zero, the player will not leave the Cloak Mode when performing a TakeDown (Takedowns, SolidProject or AnimationProject (by TommInfinite) mods required).
bAllowTakeDownWhileClkd = 0.0000
; If non-zero, the player will not leave the Cloak Mode when performing a Power Melee.
bAllowMeleeHitWhileClkd = 0.0000
; =================================
; Unique Variables for Nanosuit 1.
; =================================
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the attacks with a Small Gun and when in Strength Mode.
fMStRecoilSmallGunsMult = 0.0600
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the attacks with a Rifle and when in Strength Mode.
fMStRecoilRiflesMult = 0.0800
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the attacks with a Launcher and when in Strength Mode.
fMStRecoilLaunchersMult = 0.5000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the attacks with a TwoHandsHandHandle weapon and when in Strength Mode.
fMStRecoilTwoHandsHandleMult = 0.1200
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the attacks with a grenade type weapon and when in Strength Mode.
fMStRecoilThrowVelGrenadesMult= 0.3000
; The weapon damage multiplier when in Strength Mode
fWeaponDamageMult = 1.1000
; The critical hit change when in Strength Mode
fCriticalHitChance = 25.0000
; ===========================================================
; Values applied when the player equips a Nanosuit 2 armor.
; ===========================================================
fHUDEnergyBarXOffset = 0.8000
fHUDEnergyBarYOffset = 0.7000
fHUDSneakIndicatorXOffset = 0.0972
fHUDSneakIndicatorYOffset = 0.4418
fHUDSuitIndicatorXOffset = 0.9130
fHUDSuitIndicatorYOffset = 0.8729
fHUDSuitAuxPowerXOffset = 0.8500
fHUDSuitAuxPowerYOffset = 0.0900
fHUDTargetInfoXOffset =0.8062
fHUDTargetInfoYOffset =0.2318
fHUDDetectionMeterXOffset = 0.1700
fHUDDetectionMeterYOffset = 0.7000
iNanoVisionEnergySource = 1
fMouseRadiusThreshold = 0.7500
fConsumeEnergyWaterBreathingTimer = 86400.0000
bAllowClkWhileFiringStealthWeapon = 1.0000
iMaskAllowFireSilencedWeaponTypeWhileClkd = 8.0000
fSpeedMultMSpRun = 1.1000
fSpeedMultMSpSprint = 2.0000
fSpeedMultMArRun = 0.90000
fSpeedMultMArSprint = 0.9500
fSpeedMultClkRun = 1.0000
fSpeedMultClkSprint = 1.0000
fLowSuitEnergyThreshold = 0.2500
fLowAuxPowerThreshold = 0.2500
fSuitEnergyRegenerationTimer = 3.0000
fSuitAuxPowerRegenerationTimer = 5.0000
fDelaySuitEnergyRegenTimer = 2.0000
fDelaySuitAuxPowerRegenTimer = 2.0000
fConsumeEnergySprintTimer = 13.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkStdUpTimer = 105.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkSnkTimer = 110.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkStopTimer = 140.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkSprintTimer = 10.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkRunTimer = 15.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkRunSneakTimer = 75.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkStdUpTimer = 25.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkSnkTimer = 60.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArStopTimer = 60.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArSprintTimer = 60.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArRunTimer = 45.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArRunSneakTimer = 65.0000
fConsumeEnergyTacticalVisorTimer = 60.0000
fConsumeEnergyNightVisionTimer = 60.0000
fDmgActorPowerMelee = 40.0000
fConsumeEnergyPowerMeleeMult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArMult = 0.8500
fArmorHealth = 500.0000
fConsumeEnergyJumpMult = 0.2000
fConsumeEnergyJumpClkMult = 0.3000
fConsumeEnergyJumpMArMult = 0.3500
fFallHeightMinJump = 1240.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkHitMult = 0.3000
bAllowTakeDownWhileClkd = 0.0000
bAllowMeleeHitWhileClkd = 0.0000
; =================================
; Unique Variables for Nanosuit 2
; =================================
; The amount of damage inflicted into th Actor when the Air Stomp has been used.
fDmgActorAirStompMult = 1.0000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when the player uses the Air Stomp.
fConsumeEnergyAirStompMult = 1.0000
; The percentage of Energy consumed when using the NanoVision Mode.
fConsumeEnergyNanoVisionTimer = 35.0000
; ==========================================================
; Values applied when the player equips a Nanosuit 3 armor.
; ==========================================================
fHUDEnergyBarXOffset = 0.8000
fHUDEnergyBarYOffset = 0.7000
fHUDSneakIndicatorXOffset = 0.0972
fHUDSneakIndicatorYOffset = 0.4418
fHUDSuitIndicatorXOffset = 0.9063
fHUDSuitIndicatorYOffset = 0.8048
fHUDSuitAuxPowerXOffset = 0.8500
fHUDSuitAuxPowerYOffset = 0.0900
fHUDTargetInfoXOffset = 0.806300
fHUDTargetInfoYOffset = 0.199401
fHUDDetectionMeterXOffset = 0.1700
fHUDDetectionMeterYOffset = 0.7000
fMouseRadiusThreshold = 0.75000
fConsumeEnergyWaterBreathingTimer = 86400.0000
iNanoVisionEnergySource = 1
bOverrideOWBAuralStealthSuit = 0.0000
bAllowClkWhileFiringStealthWeapon = 1.0000
iMaskAllowFireSilencedWeaponTypeWhileClkd = 8.0000
fSpeedMultMSpRun = 1.1000
fSpeedMultMSpSprint = 2.0000
fSpeedMultMArRun = 0.90000
fSpeedMultMArSprint = 0.9500
fSpeedMultClkRun = 1.0000
fSpeedMultClkSprint = 1.0000
fLowSuitEnergyThreshold = 0.2500
fLowAuxPowerThreshold = 0.2500
fSuitEnergyRegenerationTimer = 5.0000
fSuitAuxPowerRegenerationTimer = 10.0000
fDelaySuitEnergyRegenTimer = 1.0000
fDelaySuitAuxPowerRegenTimer = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergySprintTimer = 7.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkStdUpTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkWalkSnkTimer = 90.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkStopTimer = 100.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkSprintTimer = 5.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkRunSneakTimer = 70.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkRunTimer = 11.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkStdUpTimer = 27.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArWalkSnkTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArStopTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArRunSneakTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArRunTimer = 42.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArSprintTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyTacticalVisorTimer = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyNightVisionTimer = 50.0000
fDmgActorPowerMelee = 50.0000
fConsumeEnergyPowerMeleeMult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyMArMult = 0.8000
fArmorHealth = 250.0000
fConsumeEnergyJumpClkMult = 0.2300
fConsumeEnergyJumpMult = 0.1800
fConsumeEnergyJumpMArMult = 0.1800
fFallHeightMinJump = 1240.0000
fConsumeEnergyClkHitMult = 0.3000
bAllowTakeDownWhileClkd = 0.0000
bAllowMeleeHitWhileClkd = 0.0000
; ================================
; Unique Variables for Nanosuit 3
; ================================
fDmgActorAirStompMult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyAirStompMult = 1.0000
fConsumeEnergyNanoVisionTimer = 30.0000

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