Fallout New Vegas

Small rant, but my mods are basically big rants, so I know I got an audience for this shit.

Why isn't Obscurum III happening on Fallout 4? A few reasons.

First reason is volumetric. Relativity.

If you mix one part coca cola, and nine parts gin, you're not drinking a soft drink. Things are their volume.

As such, New Vegas Nexus is a modding site with some porn. Meanwhile, Fallout 4 is a porn site with some mods. I have nothing against porn (actually that's not true, I'm a feminist so I have a lot of criticisms against how the sex industry harms both men and women, but that only applies to most porn. Not all of it. The hobbyist kind is mostly harmless), but I am not a porn maker. So it's not my platform.

Second reason is that you guys deserve it more. Fallout 4 Nexus has people who sent me threats, and abusive comments, and WAAAY too much racism for my comfort. New Vegas Nexus treats me well so I feel more comfortable being here.

Third reason is that the CK is hopelessly bugged and stalls every facet of development. I don't know who coded that thing, but I suspect it involved a thousand chimps with an equal amount of typewriters.

Fourth reason is that everything in the Creation Engine looks like it's made out of plastic. Which is weird. I prefer to make things weird myself, thank you very much.

Fifth reason is that not every one of you can run Fallout 4, or even afford it, and I don't leave any fans behind.

Sixth reason is that I don't feel like a list is all that complete without at least six reasons.

Seventh reason is because I'm sort of labouring the point about the sixth reason.

Eighth reason is that New Vegas is WAAAY more fun. Only thing that I truly get entertained by in Fallout 4 is settlement building, and much like Minecraft, that gets old. Even with my autism.

Ninth reason is the ice-laden hellscape where traitors go.

Tenth reason is because I learned so much from Pandemic, and that knowledge isn't applicable with Fallout 4, I'd just make the same mistakes again and end up with the same instability that Pandemic suffered.

Eleventh reason is that Fallout 4 has far less modder's resources because some people aren't as kind and generous as, say, me. You should hear some of the PM discussions I have with those modders. I really have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming "OH GET OVER YOURSELF YOU BLOODY ELITIST!"

But I stay cool.

Twelfth reason is because Pandemic sort of laid the groundwork with the social commentary. I hope to use that momentum to fully indoctrinate you all into my terrorist sleeper cell.

So, yeah. Long live death, and thank you for reading.

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  1. JaceGavon
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    Old thread but i'm just now reading it. I didn't get into overhauls until recently so i just never came across it. I just wanted to say though, especially since reading the comments here and your assessment of the community (trolls, threats, personal attacks, etc): You've made a fantastic mod. Here you are giving valid reasons as to why you haven't made an Obscurum for F4 and yet still people find a way to judge you or your reasoning's. You wanting to avoid toxic people, the effects of making a mod like this on your mental state, all very valid. I sincerely hope you're still active and making mods. I cant find anything beyond 2017 so hopefully that's not the case. I'm not "white knighting" i'm simply expressing what you deserve to hear: Your mods are fantastic and your feelings are valid. I can't imagine what it must be like to invest the time and stress of making mods like this only to have people be so toxic, i'm hoping its not more common than the praise and its just a minority of people who need to be culled from the community. I'm all for criticism and people having the ability to express their opinions even if they aren't all positive. Some of these people are just trolls though or genuinely toxic people who make the entire community look bad. I'd personally love to see something like this on F4 but after reading your reasons behind not doing so, I get it. Maybe one day it'll happen but I doubt it and honestly I don't blame you. After seeing just the negativity here, if this community deserves it but F4's doesn't... I don't even want to think about how bad it must be for modders there if this one is better off. Just try to not let it get to you. I'm not saying it does and I know that's far easier to say than do but there are a lot of people who appreciate your work so hopefully you can use that as motivation. The racist, sexist, homophobic and people who would say bad things about you over your autism are trash people. They don't deserve your work or emotional investment. I'm not a modder, i'm trying to learn though so if ever you need help with anything id be glad to try. Even if its just play testing, spellchecking, voice acting (My primary job) or whatever you might need to assist you. If not, cool. Again, i'm just making this comment to let you know your work is appreciated and not everyone wants to troll you on the FNV/F4 community. Sometimes a little validation goes a long way. I'm just guilty of long rants myself so this is far longer than it probably should be lol.
  2. CalvinKarma
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    Racism towards you personally or the kind of immature lol N words that the internet tends to breed in general?
    1. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 616 kudos

      And either way it doesn't matter because they're both ultimately intended to justify economic violence against marginalised segments of society.
    2. namesarentimportant
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      In response to post #46679060. #46727815 is also a reply to the same post.

  3. Artecus
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Ok, cool. Didn't need to read about feminism, racism, or any discussions you have with modders, but post what you want and read as you please.
    1. Thumblesteen
      • supporter
      • 616 kudos
      Lol facts don't care about your feelings.
    2. namesarentimportant
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      In response to post #49462582. #61109047 is also a reply to the same post.