Fallout New Vegas

Informal Quest - Roach's Audiodisc Reviews

This is an informal (not logged) quest that involves collecting a set of audiodisc reviews. Finding them all ...

... automatically unlocks a special Perk: Freetech Connoisseur. It provides a bonus of +15% Damage against members of the TechRaider faction. They can all be found within "The Underground" locations.

Review 01 - Don't Lie To Me
Underground Acccess West in a tent under a bed in a Footlocker; this general area is the final destination for Frankie's Quest

Review 02 - Attack
Worker's Barracks in a Metal Box (Underground Incomplete Sector)

Review 03 - Hail To The Freaks
Power Station B in a locker room in a Locker

Review 04 - Imagination/Knowledge
Abandoned Home on a desk (Reactor Sector B)

Review 05 - 1000 Hours In 20 Minutes
Skeleton Crew's Apartments on the bottom floor in a Personal Footlocker

Review 06 - Way Of The Exploding Fist
Residential Sector in Wiltshire's Record Box

Review 07 - Battling Ignorance
Power Station A in a Desk

Review 08 - Plazmatekk
Nightstalker Den in a Duffle Bag at this location: x = -3430, y = -3069

Review 09 - Never Ending Obsession
Abandoned House in a Briefcase behind a couch (Ghost Town)

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  1. Athelbras
    • premium
    • 555 kudos
    This article identifies the locations of Roach's reviews.

    Feel free to post questions and problems/issues.

    Informal Quest - Roach's Audiodisc Reviews

    This is an informal (not logged) quest that involves collecting a set of audiodisc reviews. Finding them all ...
    ... automatically unlocks a special Perk: Freetech Connoisseur. It provides a bonus of +15% Damage against members of the TechRaider faction. They can all be found within "The Underground" locations.

    Review 01 - Don't Lie To Me
    Underground Acccess West in a tent under a bed in a Footlocker; this general area is the final destination for Frankie's Quest

    Review 02 - Attack
    Worker's Barracks in a Metal Box (Underground Incomplete Sector)

    Review 03 - Hail To The Freaks
    Power Station B in a locker room in a Locker

    Review 04 - Imagination/Knowledge
    Abandoned Home on a desk (Reactor Sector B)

    Review 05 - 1000 Hours In 20 Minutes
    Skeleton Crew's Apartments on the bottom floor in a Personal Footlocker

    Review 06 - Way Of The Exploding Fist
    Residential Sector in Wiltshire's Record Box

    Review 07 - Battling Ignorance
    Power Station A in a Desk

    Review 08 - Plazmatekk
    Nightstalker Den in a Duffle Bag at this location: x = -3430, y = -3069

    Review 09 - Never Ending Obsession
    Abandoned House in a Briefcase behind a couch (Ghost Town)
  2. legendaryhero16
    • supporter
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    So I have CTDs every time I go into the Reactor Sector B. I already went through the area before but I guess I missed the review 04. Is there an ID code I can get so I can just spawn it? I'm unsure how else to get it at this point.
    1. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos
      Crashes when entering or leaving an AWOP area have pretty much always been the result of the game's application memory (which is not the same as computer physical memory) becoming exhausted. The best way to alleviate that problem is to use the FNV 4GB Patcher -- see RoyBatterian's sticky post. That post contains various recommendations about what to do to minimize the risk of crashing. You should follow that advice, because you already have that kind of crash now in Reactor Sector B, and so you will likely have it in other places later on as well.

      The Form ID for Roach Review 4 is xx078264, where "xx" is AWOP's load order index for your install setup.
    2. legendaryhero16
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the ID.
      I've already previously tried every step listed in RoyBatterian's post. Unfortunately nothing has worked. Is there a way to repair that area?
      I've tried everything and even disabled everything and went to using only vanilla with AWOP and MoMod and I still get crashes. I'm unsure of what's causing it as it seems to only happen there and the Sewers East End and only after I've been in the area once.
    3. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos
      It is not something that can be "repaired" because it isn't broken. When I go in there with a fresh install of the game, and just AWOP installed, I can wander in and out and all around without issues. So it is something about your installs or install setup. And I suspect that if you sent me a copy of your saved game, with your character standing at a doorway just before you click to enter a place that causes a crash, that I could go in and out without issues.

      In fact ... feel free to send me a copy for testing -- because who knows, maybe it isn't application memory overload. Send it to me as an email attachment to [email protected], or upload it to a file sharing site and provide instructions on how to grab it. It should be a Full saved game, not a Quick saved game. NOTE: I can usually run someone else's saved game, but not always, so no guarantee that this will succeed.
    4. Athelbras
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      • 555 kudos
      Note that some installs can't be "disabled" to remove their influence, and instead must be completely uninstalled. Which is why the best way to test is often with a fresh and empty game install, and things then added slowly thereafter during testing.
    5. legendaryhero16
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ah that makes sense. I always assume just by disabling every mod in MO2 and replace the FNV directory with a completely vanilla one it would be just that, vanilla. I was wrong about that. Thanks for that info!
      I'm sure there's something going on in my game and I'm sure you're 100% right. With all the mods attached to this save I'm not even 100% sure it will load. I CTD if I try to even launch this save in vanilla. I do really appreciate your help and your activity. You're quite fast with responses and always very helpful!!

      Also side note: Where is the power station B? Is it connected to Reactor B? If so could I just get the ID for that one too?
    6. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos
      Sometimes body mods and other appearance mods must also remain installed and enabled while testing to help ensure the saved game will both load and permit you to move around within the game world. When absent they can sometimes cause crashes or freeze your character in place.

      The spoiler above for Review 9 seems pretty blatant already, and should make it trivial to find ... ?

      Grab the AWOP Documentation download from our Miscellaneous Files section. It has .jpg maps which show the connectivity between areas (pre-Version 6.0'ish so newer locations are not included).
    7. legendaryhero16
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ah makes sense. I don't need log 9 sorry I was looking for log 3 (the one in Power Station B). I keep crashing when going into Reactor B and that's the only way into Power Station B so I can't get the 3rd review. Sorry to ask this of you again but could I just get the item ID for the 3rd review?
    8. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos
      The Form ID for Roach Review 3 is xx078263, where "xx" is AWOP's load order index for your install setup.
    9. legendaryhero16
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you. :)
    10. Delta062
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Greetings from the future, 2024! I also am suffering persistent Reactor Sector B crashes :) If anyone has any ideas reply to this comment, pretty frustrating when AWOP has been so good so far! :)
    11. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos

      Crashes when entering or leaving an AWOP area have pretty much always been the result of the game's application memory (which is not the same as computer physical memory) becoming exhausted. The best way to alleviate the problem is to use the FNV 4GB Patcher -- see RoyBatterian's sticky post above. That post also recommends additional things to do to minimize the risk of crashes.

      If the problem continues when using the sticky post's recommendations, it then can become tricky to resolve.  Might be that the installs still exceed the game's memory requirements, or be a conflict with some other install or patch, or be the result of a "broken" saved game which needs information that is no longer present because the player uninstalled something.
  3. capitanofake
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice guide.
    A handy info would be where to get the key to the area in which no.9 is located, because its not even a piackable lock.
    1. NourGame123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, did you manage to find the location?
  4. Boltslinger
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are Power Plant A and Power Station A synonymous?
    1. Athelbras
      • premium
      • 555 kudos
      In terms of actual location names: "Power Plant A" and "Power Plant A Reactor", but no "Power Station A". And also "Power Plant B" and "Power Plant B Reactor". Might (or might not) have different names for those same places in NPC dialog.