Dragon Age Modder, helping you install/uninstall Dragon Age Mods

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Community member jwvanderbeck has become a great asset to the early Dragon Age modding community, not least because he has just released a great new utility for Dragon Age players and builders alike.

Here's the blurb from his site:

DAModder is designed as a full replacement for Bioware’s “DAUpdater” program. DAUpdater is designed for players to easily install Bioware’s DLC content, and is available to be used to install 3rd party modules as well. However, while DAUpdater is a nice little utility, it doesn’t work well enough as a full mod installer. DAUpdater’s main flaw is that it does not have the ability to un-install mods. In addition, as modders have become more experienced and mods have gotten more complex, several additional issues have surfaced. Some mods need to install files into the games main “core” override, yet DAUpdater can’t do this. Also some mods are now actually configurable by the player, but this currently requires hand editing of an INI file.

DAModder was designed to address all these issues in one easy to use, solid installer, designed for both players and builders.

Essentially it's what daupdater.exe should have been. Make your way over to the DAModder file page now to download this great utility and show your support.


  1. ax1f
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    great thank to the builder of this wonderful utility <img class=">
  2. Micon2
    • premium
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    Thanks for the news post Dark.

    I also wanted to say that while right now DAModder is rather basic, that is because I wanted to focus on the basic -- installation and uninstallation of mods -- to be as solid as I could make it before release.

    Now I can start adding more features, and there are lots more planned such as the ability for players to configure mods using the GUI rather than hand editing an INI file. Such as compatibility reports for mods that are packaged in DAModder compatible formats.

    As a side note, the more advanced features are going to require that mod authors work with DAModder to support those features. So please do <img class=">

    I have tried to install the Modder but it will not and I cannot figure out why, I am using quite a few of the nexus mods and they are great but i installed them with the updater aages ago.
    sorry if this is not the place to post,
  3. RJ the Shadow
    RJ the Shadow
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    It however won't handle .rar's.
    Though the one for Fallout did.

    But in return, installing has never been this easy, and most of the people use Dazip's, which is even MORE easier.
    I recall Fallout or Oblivion mods taking alot more effort to install.
  4. datguy
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    excellent utility and superb site, i've been a member for a while now I just wanted to say i love this site and what it and the modders have done for Oblivion and Fallout 3, when i did a google search and found out nexus did DAO i was pleased to say the least. Great site and good job to all the modders out there.
  5. Shutterbug5269
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can't get to work. Dragged a mod to it and it refuses to open it.
  6. sara1010p
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cannot tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your mod. Thank you very much.
  7. Pushkatu
    • premium
    • 455 kudos
    Something that will help us all! Thanks! <img class=">
  8. Alexspeed
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    I updated my Guide to include helpfull information mainly about DAModder:

    - 3. using DAModder to manage mods
    --- How to install a Mod with DAModder
    --- How to uninstall a Mod with DAModder
    --- How to make a Mod compatible with DAModder

    Here is the Link to the Guide
  9. Rhipz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks so much for this, so much easier to use!
  10. jwvanderbeck
    • supporter
    • 90 kudos
    Yep, it's a great utility, but we need some mods for it! <img class=">

    Thank you Jwvanderbeck! <img class=">

    Most mods are supported now, without any changes by the authors. At least the ones in ZIP files, or DAZIP files. There are things mod authors can do to make them MORE compatible, but most will work as is.