Day two; file server up

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It took a bit longer than expected for my server provider to push me through a new server but the new server is now up and operational as of 10 minutes ago, located in Washington DC. The download speed cap has been raised to 250kb/sec as server traffic won't be too high with the small amount of mods available so far, and I'll continue to monitor the bandwidth graphs throughout tomorrow to see if this limit can be raised further.

The site is gradually filling out, and another big thanks to the mod authors who have uploaded their work today, we're up to 42 hosted files now. I won't bore you with the numbers like yesterday (you can view them if you click the logo in the bottom left hand corner of the site anyway), but they've far surpassed yesterdays figures as the word gets out around the web.

In other news I've finished work on the articles section of the site and jwvanderbeck has been kind enough to pad it with tutorials from his popular blog that has some good information for any budding builders out there.

The download/rating history section has had a bit of a make over so you can now see a count-down to when you can endorse the files you have downloaded, and even endorse them from the page rather than going to each file individually. Similarly BBCode pointers have been put up for people posting new comments or adding new files (in the description field) to let you know where you can use BBCode on the site to better format and "pretify" your text.

And lastly let me leave you with a "tip of the day". If you go to your preferences area you can change a few settings on how the site displays for you. One of these is the "Layout style" for file listings. Personally I way prefer "flat mode" to "block mode". If you haven't tried it yet give it a go. By default the site is in block mode. I might think about changing that. What do you think?


  1. sylvix_dh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It would be great to have the "Organize" - "Oldest/Latest comments first" option in the prferences menu.
    I always toggle it from "Latest" to "Oldest" while reading comments to any mod - forum-like style is easier to read...
    So maybe consider an option or just make it stored in the cookies after switching...

    PS. Sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
  2. Mageform
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the work on setting up the new nexus for DAO. Your site has been one of the best for gathering modder's and the player's all in one easy spot to upload to and to find mods. Keep up the great work!
  3. jwvanderbeck
    • supporter
    • 90 kudos
    Speaking of preferences -- is there any way to get times to be shown for our local time instead of server time? Like the times on the last comments for my files is in the servers time and it confuses me.

    That one's been on the to-do list for a long time now. I had a little think through of how to do it last night and I've implemented it this morning.

    Awesome, thank you.

    If I could make another request <img class=">, it would be nice if the article summaries shown on the Manage Articles page would at least show number of views. Also if that list could show when people have marked it as helpful or not that would be great to. That last part might already be there, I don't know since I don't think anyone has found my articles helpful yet <img class=">
  4. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,927 kudos
    Speaking of preferences -- is there any way to get times to be shown for our local time instead of server time? Like the times on the last comments for my files is in the servers time and it confuses me.

    That one's been on the to-do list for a long time now. I had a little think through of how to do it last night and I've implemented it this morning.
  5. nekekami
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Myself, I prefer the block mode, lets me see more mods per screen size without scrolling down, great for skimming.
  6. jwvanderbeck
    • supporter
    • 90 kudos
    Speaking of preferences -- is there any way to get times to be shown for our local time instead of server time? Like the times on the last comments for my files is in the servers time and it confuses me.