Skywind gameplay teaser released

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Skywind - one of the biggest and most ambitious mod projects for Skyrim - has just released a new 15-minute gameplay teaser, showing the incredible work the team have put into the project over the last 7 years. 

If you've never heard of Skywind, it's a massive collaborative project to build a completely re-imagined version of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002) in the considerably more modern Skyrim Special Edition engine. With a huge team that includes many industry professionals, everything in the game is being made from scratch to high standards, from conceptual artwork and writing through to 3D models, sound design and level creation, making this mod a true "total conversion". We last posted about the project all the way back in 2016, so it's great to see that Skywind is still very much alive! 

The preview includes never-before-seen footage of Skywind, showcasing brand new locations, gameplay, and creatures. It demonstrates a quest in the exotic and alien terrain to the West of the island of Vvardenfell, starting in the Dunmer market town of Sadrith Mora and leading deep into the heart of the Dwarven ruin of Nchurdamz. I think you'll agree they've done an incredible job capturing the Morrowind aesthetic with a level of detail in the world that may even surpass Skyrim itself. 

While the video is not a release announcement and Skywind still has no release date, the team are making more consistent progress than ever before. Here are some highlights from their recent progress:

  • World design progress: the Skywind world is roughly ⅔ the size of Skyrim, and large portions of that overworld are finalized and ready for release. This includes the Molag Amur, Northern Ashlands, Bitter Coast, West Gash, and much of Sheogorad and the Ascadian Isles, while Azura's Coast and Zafirbel Bay (both shown in the gameplay demo) are in advanced states of development.
  • Sound design: our team of industry sound effects professionals has recently had a boon in activity. They're responsible for creating, mastering, and implementing sound effects to bring the immersion of the game to a new level. Waterfalls will roar, doors will thud, weapons will clang, in ways that match their appearance and design. This can be heard in the gameplay demo.
  • Restored gameplay elements: players will be able to become skilled in medium armor, mix and match most pauldrons and chest plates, master the forgotten magical school of mysticism, and a host of other abilities that will allow players to more deeply craft their playing experience.
  • Unique books: a dedicated team of artists have developed new, high-quality covers and interior art for over half of the game's books, matching each to their respective cultural style, and resulting in deeper player immersion in the game world.

In my conversation with Amos (aka Egrets), he also pointed out that the Dwemer Spider featured in the preview (~11mins) uses an entirely custom skeleton, something that has been nearly impossible to do in Skyrim's engine until now. The techniques the Skywind team have developed over the course of the project could hold the key to some exciting creature mods in the future. 

When asked how the community can support Skywind, Amos had this to say: 

The lifeblood of Skywind is the passion of our volunteer team. Our motivation is to do justice to a game that is perhaps the best RPG ever created, and we'd love to have more contributors help bring this mod to life. As we continue to finalize quests and dungeons like those shown in the demo, we'd love to hear from anyone with voice acting, level design, coding, and Creation Kit experience to join our team. There are also other openings; anyone interested can apply at

So if you're interested in being a part of this impressive team, get your application in today!

The future looks bring for those who want to relive their Morrowind adventures without the limitations and jank of the original game engine. We'll be setting up a dedicated Skywind game section on the site when the project is released, so keep an eye out for that.

Let us know in the comments which part of Morrowind you would most like to visit in Skywind.


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  1. SkywindEgrets
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Thanks for the kind comments, glad you all like it! I'll be keeping an eye open for any questions on here, and if you think you can help out, do head over to the site and ping us an application.
    1. Incantation666
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Great work! Morrowind was my first TES game, thanks very much for your time and effort!
  2. M0ro
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    I can't wait to this be released *_* ,I love Morrowind, one of my first role plays I played ever and got attached to it and now improved on the Skyrim engine...marvelous.
    Fantastic guys
  3. VikkDamone
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    WOW! these guys and girls put Bathesda to shame. Great job!!
  4. 00VoRoN00
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Guys its too good and too much for my eyes... Glad to see old fashioned design of dungeons. Thanks for your job. Will wait so much time as you need
  5. MrWolfe226
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Just awesome , thought I was back in Vvardenfell but the Cliffracer did not attack so maybe not , sadly I also lack the skills for this kind of work , got 30 years as a plumber at this point so kinda set career wise and I doubt my old gruff voice would be of much use , I hope to see this come out , been on ES since Daggerfall and you guys are doing it proud
    1. DrZigamus
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      An old gruff voice might be perfect for some of the voice work they are doing, don't sell yourself short, ask them if they could use such a voice, ok? ;o)
  6. TrevorTheElder
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Looks great, as everyone says, but... That's what I thought when I saw pix & vids of Morroblivion. And when I played it myself, I found it only looked good in the Bitter Coast and around Vivec. Most of the map was quite drab and lifeless. I suppose that's hard to avoid when it's supposed to be mostly covered in ash, but it certainly got dreary. I hope you can make the ashlands more lively. Put some flowers on the plants (real dessert plants have flowers), let blight give creatures big purplish yellow sores, splash around more nice bright lava, or SOMETHING.
    I could live with Red Mountain itself being just rock & ash, but I would enjoy it a lot more if the surroundings were brighter, even if it requires bending the lore somewhat. I don't know how many TES fans would agree, but the popularity of FO vegetation mods shows I'm not alone.
  7. Kiwihine
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Looks awesome and want to play Skywind now:)
    Morrowind its beauty, want to explore it and see what everyone talks about:)
    Thank you all for the amazing work you have done on this:)
  8. mark44667
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i can't wait for this have always wanted to play Morrowind but for some reason i get severe motion sickness after around 10 minutes
  9. Nommyyy
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Smart idea to use skyrim as a base to enhance morrowind but really difficult too it looks amazing already tho, good job to the team :)
  10. Abianne
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    As I fire up Skyrim for the upteenth time, I'm saddened anew by the Dwemer ruins in my game. Yours look amazing! Yes, I'm aware there'd be architectural differences between Morrowind Dwemer and Skyrim Dwemer, but still...! <3
  11. DrEwNiY
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Посмотрел на видео и сразу впечатление что это фоллаут 3-нью вегас от мира скайрима - не знаю почему но на протяжении всего видео было такое ощущение ))) так то вроде как всё на видео прекрасно - но есть нооо пустовато как то с врагами ((( за всё подземелье несколько вялых пауков и бос - с 10 таких подземелий и я обратно в скайрим уйду )))

    I looked at the video and immediately the impression that this is a fallout of the 3rd New Vegas from the world of Skyrim - I don't know why, but throughout the entire video there was such a feeling))) so it seems like everything in the video is fine - but there is nooo empty, like that with enemies (( (for the entire dungeon there are several sluggish spiders and bosses - from 10 such dungeons and I will go back to skyrim)))