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This mod adds the ability for the wizard and sorcerers to learn some of the cleric's spells, mostly related to healing, restoration and resurrection of the dead.Этот мод позволяет волшебникам и колдунам изучать некоторые заклинания жрецов, в основном касаю
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This mod adds the ability for the wizard and sorcerers to learn some of the cleric's spells, mostly related to healing, restoration and resurrection of the dead.Этот мод позволяет волшебникам и колдунам изучать некоторые заклинания жрецов, в основном касаю
Requires Storm. of Zehir. Just drop into your Override folder.
No Alignment Restriction - Assassin
Removes alignment restriction for the Assassin prestige class. Requires Storm. of Zehir. Just drop into your Override folder.
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No Alignment Restriction - Assassin
Removes alignment restriction for the Assassin prestige class. Requires Storm. of Zehir. Just drop into your Override folder.
Worldmap larger destination box
Makes the destinationbox on the worldmap larger
Simple Reshade Neverwinter Nights 2 (2023)
Just a simple reshade to make the game look better at day and night.
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Simple Reshade Neverwinter Nights 2 (2023)
Just a simple reshade to make the game look better at day and night.
Adds 14 portraits to the game, suitable for Half- or Gray Orcs.
Adds all the portraits from the game Tyranny.
nwn2 big font mod(customizable)
A mod for the interface of the game Neverwinter Night 2, which makes the text easy to read for screens with a resolution of 1920 x 1080.
- 62.8MB
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nwn2 big font mod(customizable)
A mod for the interface of the game Neverwinter Night 2, which makes the text easy to read for screens with a resolution of 1920 x 1080.
Fix so that deep gnomes can have access to their proper racial pantheon
Carry Weight-Encumbrance and-or Zehir Cargo Wagon maximized
Some simple Override .2das that each change one tiny thing with full compatibility.
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Carry Weight-Encumbrance and-or Zehir Cargo Wagon maximized
Some simple Override .2das that each change one tiny thing with full compatibility.
The big minimap is now the default one, and then there's a bigger one.
Widescreen Loading Screens (Pillarboxed)
Pillarboxed loading screens to maintain the aspect ratio. The moon is round now.
- 130.6MB
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Widescreen Loading Screens (Pillarboxed)
Pillarboxed loading screens to maintain the aspect ratio. The moon is round now.
Target widget mod for Tchos' HD UI 1.3
Some tweaks and alterations to the target widget from Tchos' HD UI mod
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Target widget mod for Tchos' HD UI 1.3
Some tweaks and alterations to the target widget from Tchos' HD UI mod
This video tutorial shows you how to create your world map for nwn2.Also you can use this Blueprint for your projects.
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This video tutorial shows you how to create your world map for nwn2.Also you can use this Blueprint for your projects.
Neverwinter Nights 2 Controller support
Add controller support to Neverwinter nights 2
Fantasy portraits for companions formatted for use with Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion.
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Fantasy portraits for companions formatted for use with Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion.
OC Map Widescreen fix and enhancement
OC Map scaled for 16:9 aspect ratio and all map icons upscaled and cleaned up. No more oval compass.
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OC Map Widescreen fix and enhancement
OC Map scaled for 16:9 aspect ratio and all map icons upscaled and cleaned up. No more oval compass.
As the title suggests, a facelift of some of the original armor models.This is just a bit of a side project that I will add to if I find the time and inclination to tackle more armors.
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As the title suggests, a facelift of some of the original armor models.This is just a bit of a side project that I will add to if I find the time and inclination to tackle more armors.
Override 2DAs compatible with Core/MotB/SoZ/MoW that allow both genders of standard Humanoids to use vanilla wings and tails. Includes consideration for "Wings Galore" to apply wings to non-standard races. Also includes a guide to apply these to your PC and any roster character.
- 1.1MB
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Override 2DAs compatible with Core/MotB/SoZ/MoW that allow both genders of standard Humanoids to use vanilla wings and tails. Includes consideration for "Wings Galore" to apply wings to non-standard races. Also includes a guide to apply these to your PC and any roster character.
The goal of this mod is to create new, graphically superior heads for the game.
Explore all mediaNews & Updates
Halloween Competition Winners' Interview
Screen archery is a huge part of our community here at Nexus Mods, so we’re always looking for ways to shine a spotlight on it, especially as we have so many amazing images being shared in our media section every day.
As I’m sure you’ll all remember, we hosted our first Screen Archery Competition back in October for Halloween. Among the first-place prizes was an interview with the winners of each category, giving them the opportunity to discuss their creative process and share...- 6 Comments
Meet Volitio, the modder making Baldur's Gate 3 players' lives easier one quality-of-life mod at a time. If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you!
So, sit back, grab your camp supplies, and read on to learn about how all the magic happens in today’s modder interview.
Hey Volitio, thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! Woul...- 12 Comments
Ordering 32oz of Kobe Beef - Wesp5
Hi all! Before we jump into today's interview, we just wanted to give a quick update regarding the Monthly Roundup for January. To keep it short, there will be no Monthly Roundup this month as our team was out of office for a large chunk of December for the holidays: It'll resume as normal next month though.
With that aside, It’s 2025: You want to play Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, a game notorious for releasing with many technical problems and a whole host of cut content. W...- 26 Comments
Feelin' the Nerves - DarkFortuneTeller
Dark Future was Mod of the Month in November for the Cyberpunk 2077 community and has seen no signs of slowing down. I’ve been lucky enough to sit down with the creator of this mod, DarkFortuneTeller, to chat about their history with modding, their process working on this project and any future plans they’ve got in store!
How are you doing today DarkFortuneTeller? Why don’t you give us a quick intro to yourself and what you’re playing and modding at the moment?...- 8 Comments
Modding the Multiverse - Sumradagnoth8
If you're a passionate D&D 5E player, get ready for something special with today’s modder spotlight! Meet Sumradagnoth8, the mastermind behind some of the most exciting subclass mods for Baldur's Gate 3.
From the precision of the Arcane Archer to the fierce prowess of the Samurai, among many others, Baldur’s Gate 3 players who are looking for expanded playstyles need not look any further.
Thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! Would you ...- 13 Comments
Telling a Tale - Jared Alexander
Ever found yourself watching Skyrim TikToks at 2am with no end in sight? If you can relate, you might have stumbled upon some videos made by today’s modder and video game industry hero: Jared Alexander!
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow...- 10 Comments
Helping a Settlement - Glitchfinder
If you’ve modded Fallout 4, there’s a very high likelihood you’ve stumbled upon today’s interviewee. We’re really excited to be chatting with them as they’ve worked on a whole host of changes to everyone’s favourite post-apocalyptic title ranging from the odd bugfix here-and-there to fully fledged expansions. So, without further ado, let’s meet Glitchfinder.
It's great to have you here with us, Glitchfinder! To kick things off, tell us a bit about your...- 32 Comments
Talkin' Stardew - Shannon Hobby
'Ello! And welcome to another modder interview here on good ol' Nexus Mods! It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m Sarah, also known as Modsetti, and I'm part of the new Content team. If you've been checking out our shorts on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you might've already spotted me. I'll have a full introduction a bit later on, but for now, we'll crack on with today's interview.
Ever wondered what the beloved folk of Pelican Town would sound like if they could speak? Well, S...- 12 Comments
Calling all cowpokes! If you’ve ever added bounty hunting, duels, or simply the ability to sit down on even more chairs in your Red Dead Redemption 2 game, you’ve probably come across today’s interviewee: Shtivi. So, hitch your horse, hang your hat and join us for a campside chat!
Welcome Shtivi! It’s great to have you here with us, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into gaming, and modding after that?
Hi! My name is Ido...- 15 Comments
Crafting Characters, Guiding Modders - Padme4000
Some of you may have come across today’s interviewee’s mods before, especially if you’ve ever tried to mod Baldur’s Gate 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition, amongst other games. If, like me, you’ve ever dabbled in modding either game, you’ll almost certainly have used their modding guides too.
Today we’re sharing Padme4000’s interview!
Hey Padme4000, thanks so much for doing this interview with us! Would you mind introducing yourself for peop...- 37 Comments
Wielded With Grace - Clevererraptor6
Ever felt like your Tarnished could use a bit more finesse in their fight against the Shardbearers? Well, clevererraptor6’s move set mods have got you covered, bringing a whole new level of grace to your battles across the Lands Between.
Find your new weapon of choice, and see how they're redefining combat for you all!
Hey Clevererraptor6, thanks for doing this interview! Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
Hello and thanks...- 18 Comments
May the Mods Be With You - DeityVengy
If you've been keeping an eye on our YouTube channel, you might have already seen a teaser of who I'm interviewing today. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with DeityVengy, a YouTuber-turned-modder who has been working on the absolutely massive Star Wars Genesis: A total conversion modlist for Starfield that transforms the Bethesda title into the ultimate Star Wars open-world RPG.
So grab some blue milk, hop on your speeder and join us as we have a look at the process for creati...- 18 Comments
Journeying to the West - norskpl
If you’ve been playing and modding the incredible Black Myth: Wukong, there’s a high likelihood you’ve come across today’s interviewee: norskpl. Whether it’s adding character skins or transforming our monkey protagonist’s iconic weapon, there’s plenty for us to chat about, so let’s get straight to it!
Thanks for agreeing to chat with us, norskpl! First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, thank you for the opportunity to ...- 18 Comments
Rad Rides - BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
Think of today’s interview as Pimp My Ride meets the post-apocalypse, whether you’re cruising through the wasteland in style or escaping the clutches of a Deathclaw in a souped-up ride, BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah’s mods will have you covered. While Bethesda has recently taken the leap by adding vehicles to Starfield, BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah has been ahead of the curve, transforming the Commonwealth with custom rides long before spaceships were all the rage.
So gear up, strap in, and g...- 27 Comments
We haven’t shone much light on the media side of our site before, but with so many amazing virtual photographers sharing their screen archery each day, we thought it was about time we did. And who better to spotlight than Elfjpeg, an influential figure in the Cyberpunk 2077 virtual photography community?
Not only does she take incredible shots of her own and others' characters, but she’s also crafted some of the most downloaded pose packs for Cyberpunk and has helped elevate the...- 64 Comments
Before we start this very exciting interview, let me do a quick hello: I'm Jack, a.k.a ModularCocoon and I'm a new member of the recently created Content Team here at Nexus Mods. We'll have a full introduction a bit later on but, for now, let's dive into the interview.
The Witcher 3 remains one of the most modded and most beloved games on our site and we certainly see no sign of that stopping anytime soon. That's especially true when we have incredible mod authors such as nikich3...- 17 Comments
Modder to Developer - Hothtrooper44
We’re excited to reignite a series we last featured a few years ago, celebrating the journey from modder to developer. Our community has always been a hub of creativity, and we’re thrilled to highlight those who have turned their passion for modding into professional game development.
Today we’re joined by Hothtrooper44, who made popular mods such as Immersive Weapons and Immersive Armors for Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition, as well as Wasteland Sniper and Armored General fo...- 58 Comments
Baldur’s Gate 3 needs no introduction. As it was probably everyone's Game of the Year of 2023 (including ours). The game went from being the 51st-ranked game on our site while it was in early access to 9th by January 2024. The modding scene has exploded, so we thought it was about time we interviewed a BG3 mod author.
On that note, it is with great pleasure that Aether has agreed to be our first mod author interviewee, and we couldn’t be more thankful for her taking the time to...- 30 Comments
Tending the crops - JennaJuffuffles
In this community feature, we're joined by JennaJuffuffles - the curator of the Stardew Valley VERY Expanded and Aesthetic Valley collections for Stardew Valley. These mod lists have risen to the top of the most downloaded and highest-rated Collections available today. With the release of Stardew Valley 1.6 edging closer by the day, Jenna shares her top tips for making a successful collection.
Thanks for joining us today, Jenna. To get started, could you tell us a little a...- 20 Comments
Enhancing Night City - deceptious
We have the privilege of speaking with deceptious, a Cyberpunk mod author who pushes the boundaries of the types of mods that can be made. They are the author of the Romance Enhanced Series, New Quests and many other immersive improvements to Night City.
Thanks for chatting to us. Would you mind telling us what got you into modding?
I have a background/job in game dev, and have used mods before for games like Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Skyrim, but hadn’t act...- 44 Comments