About this mod
Some simple Override .2das that each change one tiny thing with full compatibility.
- Permissions and credits
Storm of Zehir Cargo Wagon capacities increased from 10, 15, and 30 to 999 each.
Carry weight for all game modes increased to a ridiculous amount, regardless of a character's Strength.
They're really simple files, if you want different numbers for "balance" or whatever, edit the numbers before you throw it in the Override folder and it "just works". The edits won't affect anything besides making your Wagon huge and your carry limit unstoppable (you're still limited by the number of different items, but their actual weight won't matter).
I don't know for sure if this'll happen, but make sure you *do NOT* put these files in your override folder with the game open and then try to save the game, it'll crash and totally delete your save (at least I've had that happen with other mods, including one of my own, that was a lesson learned). You will need to close the game so it reloads the overrides upon opening, and now that the values in memory and in-file match, saving will work.
Post-amble... I got tired of having to spend all the time necessary to loot everything, have companions automatically pick up stuff then having to move it around so nobody's encumbered, still having to drop unidentified items into the right character to Lore-check them (main character has the Lore, so if *everything goes to them* it's ideal), so I just changed everyone's encumbrance limit to 20,000 pounds. Pointless tedium removed. Then I started playing Storm of Zehir for probably the eighth time, and was re-introduced to the whole Cargo/Wagon capacity junk. Sure, only being able to carry a handful of things and having to travel from city to city selling stuff 10 or 15 at a time is *sorta realistic*, and it helps slow down progression so you don't get too rich too quickly, but in the end it boils down to "you're going to be really annoyed at having to waste a dozen hours of micromanagement to get this done." ...So I fixed it.
Because I had to spend FAR too long googling the wrong terms and looking for console commands (that I couldn't find), when I accidentally saw someone use the word "Wagon" it all clicked and I realized that it can be accomplished with a .2da edit and what to poke. I figured I'd upload this with a title people can probably find.
Sometimes you just "want to play the damned game", y'know? Without being inconvenienced for the sake of "immersion", which itself breaks immersion.