About this mod
Override 2DAs compatible with Core/MotB/SoZ/MoW that allow both genders of standard Humanoids to use vanilla wings and tails. Includes consideration for "Wings Galore" to apply wings to non-standard races. Also includes a guide to apply these to your PC and any roster character.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
Wings N Tails EX spawned from my annoyance that my PC Tiefling didn't have a tail, but Neeshka does, especially since said PC is from a tabletop campaign and used her tail to hold things regularly. That led to hours of dredging through unanswered questions about adding tails and wings, posts with incomplete information, missing documentation, broken links to other forums and tools, tools that no longer work or don't have the right features, and mods that give options for cross-gender and cross-race tails and wings, but have conflicts with the core game or expansions.
When you want something done right, you just gotta do it yourself.
Wings N Tails EX started as just a guide, but once I figured out the game by itself is lacking quite a few options, it evolved pretty quick. The files were built with the case game and all expansion campaigns in mind, as well as including support for another mod, Wings Galore, that repositions and resizes wings for all playable races. Unfortunately it doesn't include any custom tails or wings yet, but that may be possible in the future. Unfortunately I'm no artist though so I'd have to find them first.
There are multiple ways to go about this depending on how much you want to install. Option-specific steps found in the spoilers.
If you're playing an Elf, Half-Elf, Human, Planetouched, Yuan-Ti Pureblood, there are limited options available, but they do exist. See the CODES "Vanilla Only" subsection for what you can do with just TlkEdit.Spoiler:Show- Install TlkEdit from the Requirements, doesn't matter where you put it, as well as 32-bit Java.
- Follow the instructions in the USAGE section below.
- WnTEX Only:
This option is still limited to the same standard humanoid races as Minimal, but now includes ID codes for both genders in all cases, rather than being gender-locked. See the CODES "WnTEX Only" subsection.Spoiler:Show- Install TlkEdit from the Requirements, doesn't matter where you put it, as well as 32-bit Java.
- Download Wings N Tails EX and extract its contents to your "My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\override" folder.
This should have placed a "Wings N Tails EX" folder inside override. - Follow the instructions in the USAGE section below.
- WnTEX + Wings Galore:
If you're playing a non-standard humanoid like a Dwarf or Halfling, or you want things to look just right, this is the option you need if you want. Wings Galore adds repositioned and resized meshes for all playable races. See the CODES "WnTEX + Wings Galore" subsection.Spoiler:Show- Install TlkEdit from the Requirements, doesn't matter where you put it, as well as 32-bit Java.
- Download Wings Galore and extract its contents to your "My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\override" folder.
This should have placed a "wb-wings" folder inside override. - Download Wings N Tails EX and extract its contents to your "My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\override" folder.
This should have placed a "Wings N Tails EX" folder inside override. - Follow the instructions in the USAGE section below.
Install as described above. Screenshots are provided for the following instructions.
As with any mod, back up any files you intend to edit!
- Run TlkEdit2.exe. This is the version of the program meant for NWN2.
- Open file(s) based on who you want to edit:
- If you wish to edit your player character, open all of:
"My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\localvault\(your_character_name).bic""My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\saves\(save_folder)\player.bic""My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\saves\(save_folder)\playerlist.ifo"Any steps below must be applied to all above files identically to function properly in-game, and not doing so can potentially cause save corruption! - If you wish to edit a roster NPC, open just:
"My Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\(latest_save_folder)\(npc_name).bic"
- If you wish to edit your player character, open all of:
- For Tails: Scroll down to find the "Tails" entry, doubleclick on the number on the right (probably 0 by default), type in the ID number of the tail you want, and press Enter.
- For Wings: Scroll down to find the "Wings" entry, double-click on the number on the right (probably 0 by default), type in the ID number of the wings you want, and press Enter.
- Tinting: By default the tone is set to white. For most appearance features this is fine and won't drastically affect appearance. However, specifically for the skin tone Tiefling tails (ID# 6 and 31), you'll want these to match your character.
- Above the Tails and Wings lines, look for "Tintable", "Tint_Head", and "Tint_Hair".
- Expand the "Tintable" category, click on "Tint", then press Ctrl-X (or click the scissors icon at the top) to remove the entry.
- Expand the "Tint_Head" category, followed by the "Tintable" section contained inside. Click on "Tint", then press Ctrl-C (or click the two papers icon beside the scissors) to copy it.
- Return to the empty "Tintable" category above "Tint_Head", where you previously deleted "Tint". Make sure the empty Tintable category is selected, then press Ctrl-V (or the clipboard icon beside the papers and scissors) to paste the "Tint" you copied.
- If done correctly, the values within both "Tintable" and "Tint_Head/Tintable" will be identical.
- Save your file(s).
- Load the edited save in-game. The edited character should now have your added appearance features.
Read as:
ID#: (Content Required) Race type and Gender (description of attachment)
- Vanilla Only:Spoiler:Show
0: NONE---6: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Tiefling tail, skin tone, light tinting)---8: (CORE) Humanoid Male (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)9: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)
0: NONE---14: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)---16/21: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)---25: (MOTB) Humanoid Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)26: (MOTB) Humanoid Female (Dove feathered, white, light tinting)
- WnTEX Only:Spoiler:Show
0: NONE---31: (CORE) Humanoid Male (Tiefling tail, skin tone, light tinting)6: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Tiefling tail, skin tone, light tinting)---8: (CORE) Humanoid Male (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)9: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)---32: (CORE) Humanoid Male (succubus tail, dark flesh, no tinting)33: (CORE) Humanoid Female (succubus tail, dark flesh, no tinting)
0: NONE---41: (CORE) Humanoid Male (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)14: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)---42: (CORE) Humanoid Male (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)16/21: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)---25: (MOTB) Humanoid Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)43: (MOTB) Humanoid Female (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)44: (MOTB) Humanoid Male (Dove feathered, white, light tinting)26: (MOTB) Humanoid Female (Dove feathered, white, light tinting)
- WnTEX + Wings Galore:Spoiler:Show
0: NONE---31: (CORE) Humanoid Male (Tiefling tail, skin tone, light tinting)6: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Tiefling tail, skin tone, light tinting)---8: (CORE) Humanoid Male (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)9: (CORE) Humanoid Female (Neeshka's tail, red-brown, dark tinting)---32: (CORE) Humanoid Male (succubus tail, dark flesh, no tinting)33: (CORE) Humanoid Female (succubus tail, dark flesh, no tinting)
0: NONE---58: (CORE) Humanoid Male (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)14: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)59: (CORE) Dwarven Male (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)60: (CORE) Dwarven Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)61: (CORE) Gnomish Male (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)62: (CORE) Gnomish Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)63: (CORE) Halforc Male (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)64: (CORE) Halforc Female (feathered, dark red, dark tinting)---51: (CORE) Humanoid Male (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)16/21: (CORE) Humanoid Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)52: (CORE) Dwarven Male (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)53: (CORE) Dwarven Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)54: (CORE) Gnomish Male (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)55: (CORE) Gnomish Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)56: (CORE) Halforc Male (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)57: (CORE) Halforc Female (feathered, white to black fade, no tinting)---25: (MOTB) Humanoid Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)43: (MOTB) Humanoid Female (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)73: (MOTB) Dwarven Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)74: (MOTB) Dwarven Female (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)75: (MOTB) Gnomish Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)76: (MOTB) Gnomish Female (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)77: (MOTB) Halforc Male (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)78: (MOTB) Halforc Female (Solar feathered, white, light tinting)---65: (MOTB) Humanoid Male (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)66: (MOTB) Humanoid Female (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)67: (MOTB) Dwarven Male (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)68: (MOTB) Dwarven Female (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)69: (MOTB) Gnomish Male (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)70: (MOTB) Gnomish Female (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)71: (MOTB) Halforc Male (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)72: (MOTB) Halforc Female (Succubus leather, dark flesh, no tinting)
- Files Edited:
tailmodel.2dawingmodel.2da - Potential Conflicts:
The WnTEX files were designed with the Core and Expansion campaigns in mind. Due to how Neverwinter Nights 2 handles file priority and overrides, other mods and/or custom module campaigns may conflict, causing missing appearance features (wings, cloaks, tails, etc). - If you find a module that isn't compatible and can't figure out how to fix it yourself, you can always ask me to take a look (most easily reached on the Nexus or Steam). Keep in mind that it's likely any module that edits these files will be incompatible with all others, so file management to swap out different versions will be necessary as you play different custom campaigns and adventures.
Neverwinter Nights Vault
Steam Community (guide only)