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About this mod

This mod gives dwarves a feat which allows them to use dwarven war axes without
taking the exotic weapons feat. No idea why Bioware gave elves longswords for free
but neglected our beloved dwarves. This discrimination ends now!

Permissions and credits
This mod gives dwarves a feat which allows them to use dwarven war axes without
taking the exotic weapons feat. No idea why Bioware gave elves longswords for free
but neglected our beloved dwarves. This discrimination ends now!

"A dwarf treats a dwarven waraxe as a martial weapon even when using it in one hand."

It is based on the latest Enhanced Edition files but could be adopted to classic.
(not using a 4th class though thats exclusive to latest EE)

To install extract into your Neverwinter Nights Userfolder, the package includes
a character which I plan to use in my next HotU playthrough with 4 classes enabled:
Bjoern Eisenseite der Drache (Lawful Evil follower of Tiamat)
Fighter 4
Bard 1
RDD 10
Prepared to become a weapon master with devastating crits ;)

I just used the text of dwarven war axes for the feat you'll get to make it work in any language
without providing TLK files. I hope you have fun with this little mod!

Got the idea while looking through Project FUBAR and seeing that I could take Weapon Focus: Dwarven War Axe
I guess Pstemarie forgot to change FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DWAXE accordingly, I use the icon for the feat from this package:

108  83310dwarvenwaraxe2 3  0x1C0301  2 WAxBt  0111it_bagiwaxbt  0 ****3  3  **** 1.2 10  100 1  101  3130  1283311  9 800  1  44  1116************4  0 0  833120 1150 16 ************ 100 100 041  1 952  956953  957954 958955  959  **** ****

954FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DWAXE  83320228 ife_X2CrtDWAx  8**** **** **** **** **** **** ************0 0 1  ************  **** 1  ****  0  ****  1116  44 ****  ****  ****  ********  **** ****FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DWAXE  1 ************  ********0  1
952 FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DWAXE  83318436  ife_X2WFDWAx 1 ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  **** **** **** 0  0  1**** **** ********  1****1****111644  **************** ********  **** FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DWAXE  1  **** **** ******** **** 0 1
1116WeapAffDwarfWarAxe 8331083311ife_weppro_dwf  **** ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  **** **** **** 0  0  0**** **** ********  0.2 ************************************ ********  **** FEAT_WEAPON_AFFINITY_DWARF_WARAXE 1  **** **** ******** **** 0 1

8  WepAffDwarfWarAxe1116
