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I combined two different vanilla heads into one (face and hairstyle) to make it look like the portrait. I also did my best to fix shading issues, that were present on the vanilla face that I used. There are 27 female human heads in the vanilla game, and this mod uses slot "028", which means that this head is unique and not gonna be used by any of the in-game characters. But also, if by some reason your version of the game has less than 27 female human heads, this mod's head will NOT be present on character creation screen. Why? Limitation of the game's engine. In that case, you'll have to count the amount of female human heads that your game has and change the "28" in "pfh0_head028.mdl" and "pfh0_head028.plt" files names to whatever you have plus one.
INSTALL: Unpack the archive into your "..:\Documents\Neverwinter Nights" folder.
UNINSTALL: Inside your "..:\Documents\Neverwinter Nights" folder delete files "ALSL_H.tga", "ALSL_L.tga", "ALSL_M.tga", "ALSL_S.tga", "ALSL_T.tga" from "Portraits" folder and files "pfh0_head028.mdl" and "pfh0_head028.plt" from "Override" folder.