With the Nexus Mods offices in the UK, we've kept a keen eye on the development of the Fallout: London project over the last few years. We featured it on the site news back in 2022. We've always wondered how the UK would've fared in The Great War of the Fallout universe and the time has finally come to find out!
Please join us in congratulating the Fallout: London team on this monumental release. It's rare for a mod of this scale to make it to completion!
What is Fallout: London?
If you've never heard of it before, here's a brief description of the mod:
Fallout: London is an ambitious, trail-blazing DLC-sized mod for Fallout 4, Bethesda Game Studios’ 2015 post-apocalyptic RPG. Fallout: London stands apart from its contemporaries and offers an entirely new experience: setting a Fallout game outside of the United States. True to its moniker, Fallout: London takes place IN London. From stuffy parliamentary aristocrats to a resurrection of the Knights of the Round Table to an uncompromising cult of revolutionaries (and more!), Fallout: London embodies the history and aesthetics of London and puts an unmistakably nuclear spin on the beloved city.
How do I download Fallout: London?
The mod can be downloaded for free from GOG. We recommend downloading using GOG Galaxy. You can quickly open the page in Galaxy by copying and pasting the link below into your browser.

Once downloaded, you should ensure that you also have Fallout 4 version - the last version before the Next Gen update - and all DLCs installed. We recommend getting Fallout 4 on GOG.com for the smoothest experience, however, if you prefer to play on Steam the Fallout: London team has provided a downgrade tool or you can follow this guide.
Get Fallout: London from GOG.com
With the Fallout: London files downloaded and the correct version of Fallout 4 installed, run Fallout: London from GOG Galaxy to start the installation process.
Caution: At the time of writing, the Fallout: London installer does not feature an option to uninstall the mod. To play the base version of Fallout 4 you will need to disable the Fallout: London plugins in your load order and delete the script at Data\Scripts\Fragments\Quests\QF_MQ101_0001ED86.pex.
Why is Fallout: London not hosted on Nexus Mods?
It might seem odd that this mod is on GOG.com instead of Nexus Mods. You can read more about this decision on the Fallout 4 forums.
We are currently evaluating if we are going to offer support for Fallout: London in Vortex. As it currently overwrites your Fallout 4 installation it's presenting some unique challenges to set up. For now, if you install the mod into Fallout 4, you can continue to use the Fallout 4 support to manage any additional mods you want to add.
You can also browse and upload mods for Fallout: London itself in the dedicated game section.
Fallout 4 modders can also add the Works with Fallout London tag to their mod and it'll show up in the filtered mod list.
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingRemember to use the ini files that come with FOLN. After you download the mod to the temp file, they are located in the "__Config" folder. Copy them to your \Documents\My Games\Fallout4 folder. Remember to backup your original inis before you copy over them. You will need them if you switch profiles or uninstall FOLN.
It takes a while to install, but it does work and is easy to revert to your original profile, if you want. I was able to start the game and get past character creation. You can delete the temp folder once FOLN is added to Vortex to save some disk space. Will play further tonight. I assume MO2 has similar capability.
I'll explain what I've done so far & hopefully someone can tell me what I've been doing wrong 😅
So I start by zipping up the 'Data' folder from the Fallout London install folder, as per the instructions on Team FOLON's website. I then take the zip file & drop it into Vortex & wait for it to import. Once that's done I select 'unpack as is' then double click the new mod to change the 'mod type' to 'engine injector' & then deploy. Finally I replace my current ini files with the ini files included with the mod. I have also checked plugins & I have 3, 'LondonWorldSpace.esm', 'LondonWorldSpace-DLCBlock.esp', & 'BakaFramework.esm', all enabled.
If possible I'd really like to get the mod working via this method as the alternative will likely lead to more headaches for me in the future. Thanks in advance 😄
I'll try replacing them again & see if this changes anything. Thanks for the reply, hopefully myself & others we'll get this mod working soon 😄
Update: i got into the game. When i tried it as "engine injector" and deployed, the game started up as normal fo4. When i didn't do either, the game played fine into the into, but character creation, and everything after, was regular fo4. So i chaged the mod to "engine injector", but i did not deploy. So the mod files stayed in the games data folder. That seems to have worked, cause i got to londons character creation.
Thanks again for your help, have fun in Old Blighty! 😄
1) After extracting the mod files with the installer, to somewhere OTHER than your Fallout 4 game directory, navigate to the Data directory:
[Installed_location]\Fallout London\Data
Once inside that folder, select all items, and then zip them up into an archive. This allows Vortex to handle the archive like any other mod; no special settings are required. Once zipped, rename the archive to something meaningful.
2) Drag the archive over the Drop Files section in Vortex, and allow Vortex to install it, but not to enable it.
3) Go to Vortex's Profile page, and note the ID of the profile you want to use. Ensure that this profile is NOT currently enabled.
4) Opened the appropriate profile folder found (on my Win10 box) here:
5) Copy the INI files from
[Installed location]\Fallout London\__Config
and paste them into the profile folder, overwriting those already there.
Fallout London is now ready to enable in the desired profile and play. Because FOLON is installed like any other mod, it's now possible to change back and forth between profiles.
This does assume that the user already has F4SE already installed, but as F4SE is integral to so many mods these days, and so easy to install, I'm prepared to make that assumption.
Like Basically like downgrading the latest version of Skyrim AE, down to 1.5.97 in order to use this Mod for FO4?
If so, then it's a huge "LOL, Nope" from me.
I bought GOG FO4 when it was first released there, but even had I not, that would be my plan. As to "downgrading"...from everything I have read, reverting to the previous version is actually an upgrade. By all accounts, "Next Gen" is a bug-ridden mess.
There are already a lot of tools that have been abandoned for Fallout 4 and now a lot of mod creators are just opting to not support next gen. It's not worth the hassle. Basically going through the same thing Skyrim did a few years ago. Skyrim even has like 3 different versions now that modpacks are made for.
Maybe they can work out an Enderal deal but that's also unlikely. Most of the people that approved that don't work at Bethesda anymore and it wouldn't really be Bethesda that would need to approve it. It would be Microsoft now. It also took years for even Bethesda to approve a standalone Enderal. They needed to pass a standard bar of quality that not even Bethesda is able to pass with their own games. That's why Enderal is such a tight and well made package now but it took years after it released. It's probably the least buggy game made with the Creation Engine.
I remember them saying they were initially going to delay it from their intended release date of April for the NG update, but it's understandable why they didn't make a compatible version right away. Not sure if they're going to make a version for NG, but would be cool
If so, unfortunate. I have stopped playing Fallout 4 a long time ago but even now, I don't like downgrading. Same for Skyrim actually, thankfully it has the strongest modding community on the nexus so updates for abandoned mods are always sooner than later
Then again, I keep modding Skyrim more than I play it :P
Besides, it'll just remind the foreign horde that Britain exists -- and they'll start screaming about tea and cockneys again. Which is spam I could live without.
Also: username checks out.
For a matter of fact, it seems to work even better, as the whole idiotic Marvel like pseudo-comedy is thrown out the window. Also, I would change Berlin for Munich or Rome. Berlin is already real life Fallout.
Feral ghouls are usually less agressive than cylists in Berlin.
Maybe as an American paratrooper that jumped before the bombs fell and is now stuck overseas. I enjoyed the dynamic with the sub mission in fo4 and would love to see the dynamic explored.
In the Fallout lore Europe still exists. Accept it. If you cannot accept it, then leave. It's inappropriate to bash something which several people took years for it. Especially if it uses a base game as bad as FO4.
Please the subtitles in Italian
Giusto per notare: non c'è nessun "sottotitolo" (subtitle).
In fact, everything works like a "gog" game installation.
All other messing around is just a "bubble trap" that almost every unsuccessful attempter falls into.
Sajnálatos, hogy a készítő és/vagy terjesztő csak a 100 IQ fölötti játékosokra gondol.
Ha egy szöveg ~75 IQ fölötti igénnyel van megfogalmazva a tömegek panaszkodnak....
A lényeg: NE LOPJ.
- A fojtatásként Ingyen Kapsz egy játékot, ha felfogod a "működtetéséhez" szükséges információs leírást.
- Bonyolult? Hát... ez előfordulhat.
A leírás nagy része fölösleges, félrevezető és vakvágány.
A telepítési idő: ~20 perc.
Mivel nem tudtam eldönteni mi legyen... ezért kétféle a szöveg. De majd eldöntöm "melyik tetszik" jobban.
Edit: Fixed, one of the mods wasn't deploying correctly.