About this mod
This mod add HONDA NSR50 as new vehicle.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
HONDA NSR50 [Standalone] v1.5.3
file name: g_nsr50_v1.5.3.zip
release date: 2022/04/20
author: gosuke
URL: http://arikai.com/
email: [email protected]
twitter: https://twitter.com/gosuke209
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/odokawa13
This mod add HONDA NSR50 as new vehicle.
You can find NSR50 and Tank Bag near your garage.
You can put items into Tank Bag.
open/close Tank Bag by "use objects".
In driving mode, open/close by mouse left button.(not "use objects")
You can hang shopping bag to handle bar.
You can enable/disable Cowling, Mirror, Dirt, Engine Stall, Easy Handling, BeeDeath and Discolored mirror fix in Mod Settings.
"Reset vehicle" - when you click this, NSR50 respawn near your garage.
"Reset Tank Bag" - when you click this, Tank Bag respawn near your garage.
"Engine Stall" - when disable this, you never get engine stall but you get idle creep like automatic transmission.
"Easy Handling" - more reduced that motorcycle wobbles. It will make It harder to fall down.
"Bee Deatth" - you can enable/disable death by bumblebee.
"Enable Open/Close TankBag in Driving Mode." - You can enable Open/Close TankBag in Driving Mode.
"Discolored mirror fix" - If your refection in rear view mirror become discolored, enable this.
If you have no error, you don't need to enable this.
It supported custom textures for Cowling and license plate.
You can placed custom textures in Assets\g_NSR50 folder.
Template pictures is in Assets\g_NSR50\template folder.
If you always get stall in releasing clutch,
disable "Engine Stall" in Mod Settings.
you can now easy drive.
This mod does not compatible with MOP(Modern Optimization Plugin).
If you have installed old version, uninstall it. Delete those files (g_NSR50.dll and g_NSR50 folder) to make it work properly.
This mod must be loaded first than other Jonnez mod.Mod load order of MSC MOD loader is alphabetical.
If necessary, rename dll file of other Jonnez mod.
If you play this mod, you need to enable both "g_NSR50_SA" and "Parts Assembly System".
If you have any problems, reset vehicle(Tank Bag) in game or delete NSR50 save data.
Save data exists in Mods\Config\Mod Settings\g_NSR50_SA folder. It may be solve your problem.
MSC MOD loader
put into your MSC Mod loader Mods folder.
Known issue
When you enable mirror you get huge fps drops down.
When you trun off ignition in driving motorcycle, sometimes your game is crash.
When you attach opened Tank bag to motorcycle or you ride motorcycle with opened Tank Bag is attached, somtimes items fly away from Tank bag.
If You enable MOP, you cannot hang shopping bag to NSR50. It does not work correctly.
Sometimes you cannot interact with object in NSR50 and TankBag. In this case, reload your save data.
Horn = Y
you can bind keys in Mod Settings.
change log
fixed save bug.
fixed missing file.
fixed collision bug.
added Tank Bag.
you can hang shopping bag to handle bar.
fixed that you can't refuel.
fixed 2 jonnez clone bug.
adjusted motorcycle behavior.
It made harder to tip over when you brake.
supported "maintenance stand for NSR50" MOD.
fixed it does not work in base branch.
fixed texture.
adjusted vehicle height.
fixed it does not work in experimental test branch.
changed from replacement to adding as new vehicle.
fixed the wheels cannot lock up by braking.
added BeeDeath option.
"Bee Deatth" - you can enable/disable death by bee.
increased fuel tank capacity.
removed "Easy Clutch".
added "Discolored mirror fix".
If your refection in rear view mirror become discolored, enable "discolored mirror fix".
If you have no error, you don't need to enable this.
added brake noise sound.
adjusted engine power and gear ratios.
top speed had been too high, it decreased.
fixed meter panel.
added two gears and adjusted gear ratios.
adjust handling and reduced that motorcycle wobbles.
added two options - "Engine Stall" and "Easy Handling".
"Engine Stall" - when disable this, you never get engine stall but you get idle creep like automatic transmission.
"Easy Handling" - more reduced that motorcycle wobbles. It will make It harder to fall down.
added "Easy clutch" in Mod Settings
first release
Hosting this file at websites is freely.
Feel free to use my mod in your mod.
You don't need my permission as long as you credit my name (gosuke).
I am not responsible for any game crashes or similar.
Use at your own risk!